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Apertura bandi per il cofinanziamento di progetti rivolti alle organizzazioni e associazioni della diaspora e dei serbi nella regione

Vi informiamo che sono stati aperti i bandi per il cofinanziamento di progetti delle organizzazioni e associazioni della diaspora e dei serbi nella regione, nelle seguenti aree:

• Scuole all'estero
• Eventi all'estero

I bandi sono aperti dal 25 marzo 2025 (dalle ore 08:00) al 4 aprile 2025 (fino alle ore 14:00).

La candidatura è possibile esclusivamente online.

Tutte le informazioni necessarie e i dettagli sui bandi sono disponibili ai seguenti link:

🌐 http://www.mfa.gov.rs
🌐 https://dijaspora.gov.rs/konkursi/

Presso il Ministero della salute della Repubblica di Serbia aperto l'Ufficio per la cooperazione con le comunita serbe all'estero

Con la presente si comunica che presso il Ministero della Salute è diventato operativo l’Ufficio per la cooperazione con le comunità serbe all’estero.

L’obiettivo dell’apertura di quest’ufficio è dare il supporto istituzionale riguardo alle informazioni sulle possibilità di cooperazione, ma anche sul possibile impiego presso gli enti di sanità della Repubblica di Serbia di chi attualmente vive a lavora all’estero e decide di tornare in patria.

Gli operatori sanitari interessati che lavorano all’estero possono ricevere tutte le informazioni telefonicamente o per posta elettronica dell’Ufficio: +381648811379, dijaspora@zdravlje.gov.rs

La riunione del Ministro degli Affari Esteri serbo Marko Duric con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri italiano Antonio Tajani, 23 luglio 2024.

Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri Marko Duric si è incontrato a Roma, dove si trova in una visita ufficiale di due giorni, con il Capo della Diplomazia italiana Antonio Tajani.

Il Ministro Duric ha sottolineato che l’Italia è il partner fondamentale della Serbia e della Regione dei Balcani Occidentali, sia sul piano di sviluppo economico, che nella preservazione della stabilità e della pace, e soprattutto nella protezione del monastero di Visoki Decani e del patrimonio culturale in Kosovo e Metochia.

Duric ha trasmesso i saluti del Presidente della Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, ringraziando del supporto nello sviluppo di cooperazione economica tra i due Paesi ed evidenziando che nelle ultime 24 ore sul territorio della Serbia sono avvenute addirittura due inaugurazioni di due grandi impianti di produzione delle aziende italiane.

“Queste aziende faranno sì che l’economia serba e italiana si sviluppino in modo più celere e che noi come Europa diventiamo più concorrenziali anche ai mercati terzi. Proprio questo tipo di cardine economico tra i Balcani e l’Italia è la chiave per il consolidamento del processo di stabilizzazione politica, ma al contempo per l’interconnessione della Regione con i circuiti europei”, ha sottolineato Duric.

Il Capo della Diplomazia serba ha ribadito la gratitudine della Serbia nei confronti degli amici italiani per il supporto al suo percorso europeo, aggiungendo che tale supporto è di estrema rilevanza e vigore.

“Ci aspettiamo di essere, entro il 2027, a tutto spiano, dal punto di vista istituzionale e per quanto riguarda le riforme, pronti per l’adesione, ma ciò che per noi è molto importante è avere il supporto dei paesi il cui peso politico, quale il peso politico dell’Italia, possa prevalere nel conseguire un avanzamento nell’adesione sia della Serbia che dell’intera Regione nell’Unione Europea”, ha detto Duric.

Ha espresso la sua soddisfazione del livello di dialogo ad alto livello politico, ribadendo che i rapporti tra il Presidente Vucic, il Primo Ministro Milos Vucevic e il Primo Ministro italiano Giorgia Meloni sono eccezionali.

“Siamo felici per la prossima seduta congiunta dei due governi, serbo e italiano, che si terrà entro fine anno. Quest’anno si sono già tenuti tre grandi forum economici tra la Serbia e l’Italia e siamo molto contenti che tale tendenza proseguirà. Quest’anno festeggiamo anche il 145° anniversario dei nostri rapporti diplomatici, un anniversario molto importante, nonché il 15° anniversario della firma del partenariato strategico tra la Serbia e l’Italia.”

Il Ministro Antonio Tajani ha ribadito che la Serbia è un paese amico, e che il suo Paese è fortemente dedito al supporto dell’integrazione europea di tutti i paesi dei Balcani Occidentali, anche prima del 2030.

Ha sottolineato che i rapporti con i paesi balcanici rappresentano una priorità della politica estera italiana, insieme alle relazioni con l’Europa e alle relazioni transatlantiche, e che la Serbia è un paese amico.

La consegna delle lettere credenziali dell’Ambasciatore Mirjana Jeremić al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Sergio Mattarella

L’Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia in Italia Mirjana Jeremić ha presentato le lettere credenziali al Preaidente della Repubblica Italiana in data 22 febbraio 2024.

Durante l’incontro di cortesia è stata espressa la reciproca disponibilità a consolidare il dialogo politico e i rapporti bilaterali complessivamente parlando.

L’Ambasciatore M.Jeremić ha trasmesso al Presidente S.Mattatella i saluti del Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia A.Vučić sottolineando che la Repubblica Italiana può contare sulla Repubblica di Serbia in quanto è un amico sincero per ottimizzare la cooperazione dì partenariato in numerosi settori di interesse comune.


Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the General Debate of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 21 September 2023, New York

Mr. President of the General Assembly,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you as the representative of a free and independent country, the Republic of Serbia, which is on its EU accession path, but which at the same time is not ready to turn its back on traditional friendships it had been building for centuries. I want to raise the voice on behalf of my country, but also on behalf of those who today, 78 yeas after the establishment of the UN, truly and equally believe that the principles of the UN Charter are the only substantial defense of the world peace, right to freedom and independence of nations and countries, but more than that, they are the pledge of the mere survival of the human civilization. New global wave of wars and violence that are impacting the foundations of the international security is a painful consequence whose cause lies in abandoning the Principles envisaged in the UN


Book of condolence

Following the tragic loss of lives at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” Elementary School shooting in Belgrade on 3 May 2023, the Government of Serbia has declared three days of national mourning, from 5 May to 7 May 2023.

A book of condolence will open at the Consulate  General of the Republic of Serbia in Milan, Via Pantano 2,  3 rd floor at Friday, 5 May 2023  to Monday, 8 May 2023.

Improving overall economic relations with Italy

Belgrade, 21 March 2023

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic stated today, at the opening of the Serbia-Italy Business and Science Forum, that the foreign trade exchange between the two countries reached €4.6 billion last year and invited Italian companies to come to Serbia because we have a safe investment environment.

At a meeting in the Palace of Serbia, in the presence of Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani, Vucic said that Italy is a sincere friend of Serbia and that Italian businessmen are more than welcome in our country.

The President of the Republic pointed out that in the previous three years, Serbia attracted 53 percent of foreign investments in the entire Western Balkans, and added that he is proud of that result, which would not have been achieved without the help of Italian companies, as well as those from the EU and the rest of the world.

Vucic pointed out that the countries of the Western Balkans want a greater presence of Italy, both economically and politically.

Tajani said that Italy wants to be more present in Serbia and the Balkans, which has strategic importance, according to him.

He stated that Italy has four million small and medium-sized enterprises and that he is convinced that his country can export its knowledge and products.

We need to internationalise business operations by cooperating with friendly countries and establishing joint ventures for the benefit of Serbia and Italy, as well as to strengthen Serbia's candidacy for EU membership, the Vice President of the Council of Ministers said.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Italian soldiers in Kosovo and Metohija who always guaranteed the inviolability of Serbian monasteries.

The Serbia-Italy Forum for Business and Scientific Cooperation, which is being held as part of the official visit of the Italian state and business delegation to Serbia gathers 246 companies from Serbia and 149 from Italy, and around 400 bilateral meetings are planned.

Serbia, Italy sign 11 documents on cooperation

Belgrade, 21 March 2023
Representatives of Serbia and Italy signed today at the Serbia-Italy Business and Science Forum, held as part of an official visit of the Italian state and business delegation to our country, 11 documents on cooperation.

The Joint statement on cooperation between the two countries was signed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic and Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani.

The Agreement on film co-production between the government of Serbia and the government of Italy was signed by Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Maja Gojkovic and Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani.

The Agreement between the two governments on the mutual recognition and replacement of driver's licenses was signed by Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gasic and Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport on cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure was signed by Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic and Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Serbia and the Italian Export Credit Agency SACE was signed by Serbian Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic and Chief Executive Officer and General Director at SACE Alessandra Ricci.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Serbia and the Institute for the Internationalisation of Italian Companies SIMEST was signed by Serbian Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic and President of SIMEST Pasquale Salzano.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Serbia and the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti bank was signed by Serbian Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic and the bank's Chief Executive Officer Dario Scannapieco.

The Memorandum on Cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (PKS) and the Confederation of Italian Industry in Serbia Confindustria Serbia was signed by PKS President Marko Cadez and President of Confindustria Serbia Patrizio Dei Tos.

The Memorandum of Understanding in the field of agriculture and food industry was signed by PKS President Marko Cadez and President of Filiera Italia Luigi Scordamaglia.

The Memorandum of Understanding on agricultural research and cooperation between the Serbian Research and Development Institute for IT in biosystems BioSense and the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics of the Republic of Italy was signed by Director of BioSense Vladimir Crnojevic and General Director of the Council Stefano Vaccari.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Serbian Association of Consulting Engineers and Association of Italian Engineering, Architectural and Technical-Economic Consulting Organisations was signed by Vice President of the Serbian Association of Consulting Engineers Nikola Matic and Vice President of the Association of Italian Engineering, Architectural and Technical-Economic Consulting Organisations Roberto Carpaneto.

The documents were signed in the presence of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.

Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 21 September 2022, New York


Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić  at the
General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
21 September 2022, New York

Main theme: ,,A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking

Esteemed President of the General Assembly, Distinguished Secretary-General, Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me a great honor to address you on behalf of the Republic of Serbia.

Due to limited time, please do not mind if I skip the burden of formality, courtesy words, greetings of those who are present in this room or absent, and instead speak directly about the essence of what we gathered here.
I've been so many times in these premises. The seriousness of the present moment obliges me to share difficult, but true words with you.
Everything we are doing here today seems at least relatively impotent and vague. Our words make hollow and empty echo compering to the reality we are facing. And that reality is such that no one is listening to anyone here, no one strives towards real agreements and to resolving prol:,lems, and almost everyone takes care only of their own interests, breaching often along the way the basic principles of international law; throwing away the UN Charter and other documents this Organization is founded on. It is neither fault of Antonio Guterres nor of anyone from UN, but of those powers who take care of nothing else but of meeting their own political, economic and unfortunately military goals.

We are witnesses that the age we live in is featured by complexity of global geopolitical situation. Our General Debate is being held in terms of undermined world peace, to the extent that has not been seen ever since the World War II and since the time the United Nations had been founded. Global challenges we are facing are threatening to radically change international security architecture and jeopardize established international legal order. Such complex times demand a lot of wisdom and unity, in order to preserve peace as the absolutely most important heritage woven into the foundations of the United Nations Organization.

That is why I would like to speak clearly and accurately before you about five key challenges we are facing today:

Point 1: Returning to peace and preservation of global stability;

Point 2: Preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of internationally recognized states, members of this Organization, as a key principle of international public law and relations between the countries;

Point 3: Energy security in terms of global crisis;

Point 4: Financial safety of the poor and developing countries;

Point 5: Food supply in terms of global supply chains interrupted by war.

Current global developments remind more and more often that the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes has no alternative. This principle is outstanding today more than ever before and it is best described in the UN Charter Preamble which reads as follows - "to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors". Denial of use of force and peaceful resolution of disputes are the pillars of world stability; but they must be accompanied by principles such as non-selective observance of the UN Charter, implementation of mandatory UN Security Council Resolutions and basic principles of the applicable international public law.

Point 2: Preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of internationally recognized states, members of this Organization; Serbia supports territorial integrity of all UN member states, including of course territorial integrity of Ukraine. In such a way, we behaved responsibly and seriously in this renowned institution. Nevertheless, we could hear from many speakers the stories about aggression and violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine. Many say that this was the first conflict on the European soil after the World War II. But, the truth that the territorial integrity of a country in Europe - · Serbia as a matter of fact, which did not attack any other sovereign country, was violated is constantly unspoken. We ask for a clear answer to the question I've been asking my interlocutors, leaders of many countries for years - what is the difference between the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, which was grossly violated, and for which you provided international recognition and legitimacy, at least some of you? Nobody has ever provided a rational answer to that question.

Let me remind you - Serbia has not stepped its foot on someone else's territory, never ever, nor has it endangered territorial integrity of a single sovereign state, so that anyone might intervene or carry out aggression against it, the way it was done against Serbia in 1999. Nevertheless, it did not prevent nineteen richest NATO countries from attacking a sovereign country without the decision by the United Nations Security Council. Signing of the Agreement with NATO - upon termination of armed conflict - whose provisions envisaged adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and which confirmed and guaranteed partial sovereignty and full territorial integrity of Serbia, did not prevent many western countries from unilateral recognition of independence of the so-called "Kosovo" and from violating, once agam, territorial integrity of our country, and violating the UN Charter and the UN Resolution 1244. Precisely for such developments that Serbia experienced and that is has been expenencmg, I am convinced that I am fully entitled to quote, in this place, the words of great Martin Luther King: "Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere". These words are carved like a reminder, but as a warning to all ofus.

Regardless of the fact that we still feel the consequences of the gross violation of basic provisions of international public law, we do not give up on United Nations foundation principles. We shall keep advocating consistent observance of the principle of inviolability of borders, respect for sovereignty and integrity of all other UN member states. Despite such position of ours, many in this room have issues with respecting territorial integrity of Serbia. You wonder why? Because they have the power is in their hands, and in their eyes, we are small and weak. However, as you could hear and you can see, we do have the strength to tell the truth even here.


Your Excellencies,

We owe special gratitude to all those UN member states - and they currently constitute majority at this Assembly, who support territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, particularly in the space and territory of Kosovo and Metohija. It is additionally encouraging that number of countries who support Serbia's position increased in period between two sessions, which is a trend that must continue, because it is of utmost importance to remain loyal to basic principles embedded into the UN Charter, such as the principle of inviolability of borders.

The Republic of Serbia, and I as its President, search very patiently and with a lot of good will for compromise regarding Kosovo and Metohija under the auspices of the European Union, and within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. It is a difficult process, it has been lasting for more than ten years, but we see no alternative to it. It is better to negotiate for hundred years, than to wage war for a single day. I hope that we will reach mutually acceptable solution, based on compromise, because this is the absolutely only way for reaching our goal, which is a long-lasting peace, as a prerequisite of prosperous life for Serbs and Albanians in an entire region. We have exhausted all other options and, and speaking for Serbia, at least, we do not even dream about going back to the paths of conflicts and bloodsheds. The Balkan region could not stand another conflict. I rely on good will and understanding from our international partners, because they know well that some earlier decisions by their governments had been bad and that they had not been acting in favor of the future of our region and world peace. Belgrade is running this process under very complex circumstances with elements of hybrid war and dirty campaign in part of international community against our country, in different fields. It would be enough just to remind you of the quotes and allegations of world media that Serbia would attack its neighbors and that Serbia was a threat to regional stability. Of course, it has never happened. And it was only one among numerous lies against the Republic of Serbia. Serbia was featured as a potential destabilizing factor in the region, only to be prevented from telling the truth - that the principle of inviolability of borders must be equally applicable to all. Serbia was and it will be a factor of stability in the entire region. Serbia, despite many untruths and forgeries, supports Dayton Peace Accords, territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and integrity of Republika Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On the other hand, we are convinced that the nations of the Balkans do have the capacity to continue their lives in the future as friends and partners with common vision of membership to tht united Europe. I know this well, because we have already surpassed many barriers that had been standing between our nations for years and that had costed us thousands of lives and wasted future. Serbia and Albania, for example, today have the closest and the friendliest relationship in the entire several centuries long common history in the space of the Balkan Peninsula.

It took only clear-headed and pragmatic discussions about our future, not about our past. To talk about how to resolve problems that were bothering our people, our companies, workers, students and entrepreneurs. We had discussed a lot and reached, by ourselves, numerous solutions that have already cancelled barriers that existed between us for no rational reasons. First of all, in economy, trade and flow of people and capital. Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia have been implementing for three years "Open Balkan" Initiative, which has a clear vision - to open the region for the people, goods, services, capital and companies, in order to create the space which would be permanently liberated from tensions and conflicts. In addition to unquestionable common economic benefit that this Initiative brings, it has a broader dimension, first of all in connecting people with different cultures and in promoting diversity, which, by all means, contributes to general development of society in this part of Europe. In this way, Serbia, actually continues contributing to peace, stability and reconciliation process in the region, whereby it certainly gives significant contribution to global security.

We found the inspiration for the respective in words of one of the greatest diplomats in history and a great UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold that this Organization "wasn't created to take mankind into paradise, but rather, to save humanity from hell".


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The moment we curbed the global pandemic, we have already faced new, unprecedented challenges for this century. While we, as a mankind, take one step at a time in accelerated technological development, there arise existential problems ahead of us such as energy security, financial safety of the developing countries, but

also distortions in the supply chains of the basic food provisions. Solidarity which had been necessary in fighting pandemic is needed to a far greater extent today, when people's basic necessities for food and energy are endangered.

The Republic of Serbia thinks of its energy security as of the inseparable part of the national security and as the key prerequisite for the continuation of economic development and progress of our country. We strive to provide the continuity of energy supply, but we share the concern for current geopolitical challenges that undermine the energy stability in the word and Europe. We remain committed to finding solutions that might have the transformational strength in attempts to reach regional and European energy safety. I would like to underline that the Republic of Serbia managed to preserve continuity in energy supply during the ongoing crisis. Nevertheless, we remain vitally interested in diversifying supply sources, in additional investment in energy infrastructure, but also in faster and more efficient development of capacities based on renewables.

It is precisely at the United Nations where we named the ongomg decade the "decade of more sustainable and resilient future, action and transformation." It has to remain like that, but at a bit faster pace. Unequal development, but also financial perils in the developing countries, cause additional social layering and inevitably bring new antagonisms. Equal development must neither be limited not conditioned either geographically or politically, but it must be provided to all people regardless of ethnic, racial, cultural or religious affiliation.

There is another, very important challenge ahead, which we must overcome together, and it is finding the most efficient way to avoid consequences of the current international crisis inflicted on global food supply security. Developments are highly alarming, and the reality is such that all of us, with no exceptions, are struck by them. Growing prices of food and its availability have become an additional problem. Task for all of us is to find operational and efficient solutions that will leave no one behind. It is up to us- states - as the most important international subjects, to involve individually in coordination of measures, first of all by contributing to this noble task at national levels, in order to preserve the most valuable things - human lives and their dignity.

The topic of this year's General Debate warns us to the problems of a moment and relatedness of international challenges. Crises we are facing remind us of the importance of open communication. It does not take much wisdom to conclude that challenges can be successfully overpowered only if their causes are properly observed. Serbia believes that it is imperative that current challenges must not deepen world divisions in any way, and that already obvious and intentional polarization at global level should make room to principles of multilateralism.

I would like to underline that the Republic of Serbia take part in collective efforts for reaching Sustainable Development Goals and implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Serbia shares Secretary General's vision in future of global cooperation in a way envisaged by "Our Common Agenda" and it strongly supports inclusive, networked and efficient multilateralism as the best tool for responding to the most urgent challenges for the mankind.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Multilateralism, collective actions and common responsibility are irreplaceable elements of our discussions so far, but allow me to underline that starting point for each such constructive engagement is solidarity.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that the Republic of Serbia will continue being a reliable partner in achieving common goals defined within the UN framework, firmly believing that it is the best path to create world for us and generations to come. But we must not forget that the United Nations are as strong as we respect commonly harmonized decisions and documents of this Organization.

Once again I will quote something that we heard twenty three times until now. This is the sentence, "The only standard we must follow is UN Charter." That's what we heard from everybody. But when we come to the case of the Republic of Serbia we saw that seventeen out of those twenty three that were speaking about UN Charter and UN resolutions violated international public law and did not obey the rules created and made by the United Nations. I hope that we'll be able to overcome all these difficulties and to make it equal, the rules and procedures for everybody in the world. Otherwise, I don't see the exit at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for your attention.

Long live Serbia.

Incontro con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Italiana



Il Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia Aleksandar Vučić si è incontrato oggi con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale della Repubblica Italiana Luigi Di Maio, con cui ha parlato del proseguimento dello sviluppo della cooperazione bilaterale, dell’integrazione europea della Serbia, del contesto geopolitico e delle relazioni regionali.

“L’Italia è tra i principali investitori esteri della Serbia, senz’altro il primo partner rispetto ai valori di investimenti nel nostro paese, e il secondo rispetto al numero dei progetti realizzati. Ciò nonostante continuiamo a creare un ambiente per gli affari ancora più stimolante, alfine di attirare nuovi investitori esteri”, ha sottolineato il Presidente Vučić ribadendo che è molto importante il fatto che l’Italia ha collocato la nostra Regione tra i primi posti sulla lista delle sue priorità di politica estera.


Il Presidente Vučić ha ringraziato l’Italia del supporto aperto e continuo all’integrazione europea della Serbia, sottolineando che apprezza anche il supporto personale del capo della diplomazia italiana Di Maio per gli impegni della Serbia sul suo cammino europeo.

Parlando del contesto regionale, il Presidente Vučić ha detto che Belgrado rimane pienamente dedicata al dialogo con Pristina, in quanto unica modalità per raggiungere un accordo reciprocamente accettabile, aggiungendo che la pace, la stabilità e la cooperazione sono di massima importanza per il futuro dei Balcani Occidentali.

Per quanto riguarda il conflitto in Ucraina, il Presidente Vučić ha nuovamente sottolineato che la Serbia è dedita al rispetto del principio di integrità territoriale e di sovranità di ogni paese, in quanto uno dei principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale della Carta delle Nazioni Unite e che è pertanto pronta ad aiutare l’Ucraina, entro le sue possibilità.

Durante la riunione, il capo della diplomazia italiana Luigi Di Maio ha detto che l’Italia riconosce quanto raggiunto dalla Serbia nel percorso verso l’Unione Europea, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le riforme costituzionali e altre, che hanno consentito l’apertura del cluster 4.

“L’Italia è un forte promotore dell’avvicinamento dei Balcani Occidentali alla famiglia europea e noi stiamo investendo grandi impegni alfine di spiegare ai nostri partner dell’UE la situazione nella Regione e la necessità di allargamento. L’Unione Europea deve dare un maggiore supporto economico alla Regione” ha detto Di Maio.

Fonte / Foto: Presidenza della Serbia / Dimitrije Goll

Continuous, strong support of Italy to European path of Serbia

June 22, 2022


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy Luigi di Maio about the improvement of bilateral relations, development of economic and trade cooperation, as well as potential new investments in Serbia.


Brnabic pointed out that Italy continuously and strongly supports Serbia on its European path, and emphasised that reforms, regardless of all the challenges of today, remain Belgrade's primary task, with a special focus on the rule of law.

She also underlined that peace and stability in the region are of key importance for economic development and that the government of Serbia will do everything to ensure that, because, as she emphasised, the continuation and implementation of reforms is possible only when peace and security of the whole region are guaranteed.

Speaking about the "Open Balkans" initiative, the Prime Minister pointed out that it is an example of successful regional cooperation and the fight for common goals, noting that this is the best way to prepare countries for EU membership, but also an opportunity to reach Union standards and before fulfill conditions for formal enrollment.

Also, as she added, Belgrade greatly appreciates Italy's position that Serbia has full potential to progress towards the EU and that it can count on the constant support of a friendly country such as Italy.

When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic emphasised that official Belgrade remains fully committed to that dialogue, as evidenced by the recently reached agreement on the roadmap for the implementation of the energy agreement.

The Italian Minister said that the policy pursued by Serbia is important for the stability of the Western Balkans, and despite the challenging times in which Europe lives, that Italy supports Ukraine, but also Serbia and the Western Balkans on the path to European integration.

Il Presidente Vučić ha ricevuto le lettere credenziali dell’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana



Il Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ha ricevuto le lettere credenziali dell’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana Luca Gori, che gli ha trasmesso in occasione i saluti del Presidente Sergio Mattarella.

Il Presidente Vučić ha dato il benvenuto in Serbia all’Ambasciatore italiano esprimendo la soddisfazione per le stabili relazioni di tradizionale amicizia tra i due Paesi e per il continuo supporto dell’Italia al percorso europeo della Serbia.

Inoltre, il Presidente Vučić ha ribadito che si aspetta che durante il mandato dell’Ambsciatore Gori proseguirà l’eccezionale cooperazione economica con l’Italia, in quanto uno dei maggiori partner economici della Serbia.

L’Ambasciatore Gori, presentando le lettere credenziali al Presidente Vučić, ha sottolineato che l’Italia appoggia inconfutabilmente le integrazioni europee della Serbia anche tramite il supporto degli esperti nel campo delle riforme nei settori chiave, e che continuerà a lavorare sul consolidamento della cooperazione a beneficio di entrambi i Paesi, specie nel campo dell’economia e della cultura. Ha espresso la soddisfazione per il fatto che già in questa settimana è prevista la visita in Serbia del Capo della Diplomazia Italiana Luigi Di Maio.

L’Ambasciatore Gori ha evidenziato inoltre la dedizione dell’Italia alla pace e alla stabilità dei Balcani Occidentali, trasmettendo l’ufficiale posizione di Roma circa l’apprezzamento del contributo del Presidente Vučić alla stabilità regionale e alla cooperazione.

Fonte/Foto: Presidenza della Serbia /Dimitrije Goll

President Vučić takes oath of office

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić has officially sworn in as the President at the Eleventh Special Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in the Twelfth Convocation and thus took office in his second term.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Your Holiness, dear President, dear Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dear President of Republika Srpska, distinguished representatives of religious communities, dear friends,  distinguished Presidents of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, your Excellencies, Presidents of the Constitutional Court and of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Prime Minister, members of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Speaker of the Provincial Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Prime Minister of the Provincial Government of the AP Vojvodina, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, there is no greater honor, bigger obligation, nor bigger pride than the one given by a fact that you lead your country, nor a nicer duty of representing it proudly.

I got all that- obligation, duty, honor and pride, from the citizens, in the elections. They are expression of a will and a convincing majority, which indebted me and most of us again to do our job not always in a way that majority wants, but to do everything that is in the best interest of Serbia.

I want to be a President of all and President for all; to be the first one when it comes to liabilities and the last one when it comes to privilege, to work more, and not ask anything for myself, but to ask everything, absolutely everything for our Serbia.

The great Confucius said that one can make compromise on anything except on ideals, and this is something I intend to follow; and my ideal is Serbia and wellbeing of its citizens. At the same time, this also determines the priorities of my second tenure, the ones that, it seems to me, had been public and loud even before I took my oath, and which read as follows: peace, stability, independent decision-making, Serbia’s freedom, security, health, Europe, work, work and work.

Serbia is and it will be- to paraphrase Marcus Aurelius, the emperor, philosopher, precisely that, and only that, what we make of it. It is a product of our thoughts, our dreams and our deeds; our ideal, our goal, our consciousness, knowledge about where we both geographically and historically are and great care never to confuse- like it has happened to us so many times in history, history and reality, geography and reality, our wishes and reality.

Today I have the honor, but also the paramount obligation to address you as the President whose second term begins at turning point of modern history. There is no more difficult, but neither more sublime duty than this one I take today, for the second time. And there are no more demanding goals, but nor more honorable than the goal of Serbia’s continuation on its path, a unique one, towards the future it had deserved long ago with its sacrifices and deprivations.

I take presidential duty in times where the basic premise - throughout the entire world almost, is that rudeness and bad behavior are acts of courage, while calmness and patience are the reflection of fear. We live in times when everybody speaks out loud, while only a few listens, and even fewer hear. Voices of reason are getting quieter, and the vision of the future of the entire mankind is blurrier and more distant.

Today, more than ever, the entire world is hungry for truth and justice. The same justice that is woven into the first lyrics of our beautiful national anthem that still stands as an imperative without which there is no progress either for a dignified man or the entire world. I will always fight for such a truth and such a justice, because there is no more difficult, but neither more honorable path than the respective one.

The world may never be the same again, but I want to emphasize a fact that at least we will try to stay strong, self-confident and decisive in our observance of principles; as a country we will continue working for general good, while we take courageous steps forwards despite all the perils, just like we have done so far.

Therefore, there isn’t a word big enough for our Serbia, which has always stood on cross-roads of different civilizations, religions and cultures, which enriched it in the best possible way, which encourages us to look after that heritage today, even stronger, firmer and more decisive than ever before. Likewise, paths of interests and ambitions, conquering and withdrawal of the others have intertwined through us since ever, but also paths of our victories and defeats that left deep scars on the entire existence of Serbia. Many came to us without respect and consideration and left with hidden or open admiration for our small, but so great nation and our small, but so proud Serbia.

Just like this Miroslav Gospel, our country had a strange and difficult historical path. Serbia’s generations grew stronger through the most difficult moments during long centuries, often alone, but always standing tall. Precisely those generations that had shown throughout history the incredible human, monarchical, artistic, military, moral and spiritual heights, they had woven this unbreakable, freedom loving, sometimes defiant spirit into all future generations of our nation.

Photo: Presidency/Dimitrije Goll

To put this in concrete terms: the world is dramatically changing before our eyes on a daily basis, never more so and never faster. Attack against Ukraine is a turning point in international relations. On one side, Russia wanted the end of domination of- the way one may say, the western and hard and soft power, prevention of further NATO extension; the great China does not want the status quo, i.e. the intangibility of western power and lack of influence all the others, while, on the other hand, the West wants preservation of their own domination in the world, at the same time calling to violation of international public law, by both Russia and their other adversaries, such as the People’s Republic of China.

It is true that the attack against Ukraine is a violation of international public law, but it is also true that it happened dozens of times in the modern world, and that the key protagonists and today’s big fighters for observance of international public law norms were often western powers, as well. Nevertheless, we here, in Serbia, can confirm the aforementioned in the best possible way. Our country was attacked in 1999, without the decision by the United Nations Security Council, and before that, our country had not occupied any other territories. After that, our country suffered additional plundering. Despite the existence of the Resolution 1244 and existence of the respective Resolution in legal terms, we are still being plundered by those who claim to be right, and if we, by any chance, say that we think differently, from that very moment they say that we are no longer for the future, that we are not acting democratic enough, that we do not understand the current moment, but, instead, that we deal too much with the past. If someone else did something like this, he would immediately be someone who breaches the international public order, someone who undermines all the institutions and world peace. 

I am proud of Serbia today, which acts in accordance with the principles of international public law; which can condemn the breach of international public law, unambiguously and clearly. But I am also proud of Serbia with neither anti-western, nor anti-Russian sentiment. We welcome Dostoyevsky and Shakespeare, Goethe and Hemingway. This is something Serbia can be proud of; despite it may be the one of the few countries in the modern world to do so.

I have said all this not because it is possible to take pragmatic demands of acting, but to save our soul as the President of Serbia and to say what lies in my heart, just like all other citizens of Serbia allow themselves to. And, do not think that I do not know what you all know. I do know it; I often know it better than anybody else. I often see and feel it better than anyone else. But it does not solve our problem; and it will not solve a single problem in the future. Politics of running a country is not a politics of wishes, but the politics of possible; the politics of reality.

I spoke for seven hours with one of the biggest European leaders today; I guess that a man wanted to listen to me and I felt the need to say everything that was on my soul; to say out loud how we Serbs feel when we see what had been done to us regarding Kosovo and Metohija and regarding all other issues in the Balkans.

He listened to me carefully, this great leader, much wiser than me, with much more knowledge; he’s leading a big country…, and sometime around 3 o’clock in the morning he told me: “Let’s summarize now, Aleksandar.” So, I said: “I’m listening to you, my dear friend.” And, then he said:” I do not agree on everything with you, but let’s say that you are 80%, maybe even 90% right regarding things that you said. And now what? You are leading a country; you are the President of a country; you are smart enough to know that regardless of the injustice- and there is so much injustice in the world, there are some things that will never change. You cannot change the opinion of my country. We can have regrets later, but we will never admit that, because the big ones do not admit. There are no tears of regret and mistakes for us, they are meant for you, small countries. What remains is to see what you can do and save your country in the future. What remains is to see what you can do to ensure the future for young generations in your country; what you can accept as a reality and what we can make together.”

This was the first time I heard a western leader to say somehow, not directly, by yet again somehow:” All right, we are not always absolutely happy for what we did in the past, but you must accept that.”

At least we got something; I got some kind of personal satisfaction that night, which, of course, means nothing for our country. But this great lither was right when he said that we had to be committed to our future; that we had to warry about our future, to see what we would do with our children, because it is not up to them to pay neither debts of our generation, nor the debts left to us by our parents, grandparents nor anybody else. We have to leave to them a situation for the future that is as clear as possible, so that they need not to think who they will wage wards against and what kind of instabilities and problems they might face.

Precisely in reference to that, I would like to say that I look forward to new legislature of the Parliament; I hope that all election-related activities will be over soon and I do not even want to respond to those who were making meaningless claims about me choosing in front which legislature of the Parliament I would take my oath, because I became the President of 31 May and this was the only day when I could take oath. But, what one can do, because no matter what I do sometimes, and no matter how I do it, it would never be good enough or bad enough to make everybody happy.

Formation of the new Government is, I’d say, of crucial importance and having in mind our current situation, a difficult one, already today all of us together have to think about it. I cannot do it by myself, even though I got the big support from the citizens; it takes the Government to do that, and it will of course be done stronger by the Government with full legitimacy, and not by the technical Government.

We have to deal with new sanctions and all kinds of things, where we, yet again, could be damaged party, so we will have to ask our European partners to help us in that matter, but is now more of a question for therm. Precisely in accordance with the aforementioned, I expect the new Government to be formed by the end of July, and I would be happy to start intensive consultations with representatives of all political parties in the country that won the threshold for the National Assembly, as soon as the new legislature of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia is appointed.

I want to say that I am convinced that the new Government will accept some of the advices and my pleas. I believe that the new mandate-holder will make the decision to make the Government inclusive minority wise; that we will involve as much representatives as possible not only coming from Serbian people, but to have also Hungarians, Bosniaks, Croats and Roma in that Government, as well as representatives of all nationalities that wish well to this country and those who have only one homeland or one motherland, and that is Serbia, whom they endlessly love, as much as we who plan to live here love it; as well as they and their children love it.
First I want to thank all representatives for the respective; I do not even like to say formally and in legal terms, I don’t even know whether that is the appropriate expression- representatives of national minorities, but I’d say people, lovely citizens, nations that do not belong to the majority nation, but who have always stood by Serbia, and shared the good and the bad with us, and resolved together with us all the troubles and problems we faced.

What I expect from the next Government, but what I will pay special attention to as the President is number one- our European path. And now, pardon me, since I know that this is something people would not applaud to, I would give the biggest room for the respective. Sometimes, I like to be spiteful, grumpy, sometimes snappy, but not for the sake of myself or because I need any points for that, quite the contrary, one loses points on that, but because I think that I am doing the right thing for Serbia.

When we speak about Europe, it serves us as a buzzword; it became some sort of a mandatory mentioning, but also something that we can easily criticize, attack every day, but yet again, when the afternoon or evening comes, we start thinking how much support and help we will be able to ask for tomorrow.

No matter how rightfully we say that they are not always fair with us, and I do not thing that they are always fair with us, particularly when it comes to political demands, we too are not fair with them. It is easy and nice for us to take the money of the EU tax payers and we feel so good even if do not say “thank you” for that. 

It is easy and nice to accept what suits us, and what we like, but it is not easy and nice to listen to the words of criticism when we dislike something.

The European Union must not be a buzzword term; it must not be something that has become a part of vocabulary just like that, but it must be our commitment. Precisely because of the trade exchange, investment, but because of a fact that we want to belong to that type of society, we will have to do many things in the field of rule of law, further democratization of our society, media freedom and everything else.

Of course that they overreact when that say that a different opinion cannot be heard; of course that they sometimes use it for their political needs, but it is also true that we as well can always do better, and not because of them, but because of us.

This brings me to -what I swore on today, the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the key political issue for us and that is the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Related to the Ukrainian crisis, the issue of Kosovo and Metohija will be even more visible and even more difficult for us to resolve it. No matter what you are being told, by anyone; no matter what anyone from the west tells you, Kosovo and Metohija will be bigger and more important topic and precisely because of what President Putin has spoken about recently.

They will tell you that this is not the way the things are and that Kosovo is not even similar to some other examples worldwide, and they will keep repeating it viciously. The more they repeat it, the more it troubles them. And that is why we will be challenged.

I apologize for telling the truth to everybody; both to you here, in this room, and to those who listen to this.

Do you really think I am that naïve when you tell me ten times that this does not concern you and that this is not a problem for you, and thereby you try to sell it to me, political veteran? I see how much it hurts you. Then you can imagine how much it hurts us; how much it hurts this country; how much this hurts Serbian man; how much it hurts everyone in this country. We have to listen about pressures every day just for you to meet your interests, thereby not thinking for a second about our interests.

We have a problem here and also because we do not have anyone at all to talk to in our wish to reach compromise; in our wish to search for compromise.

I also know that nobody in Serbia wants to hear this, but we have to search for compromise. We have to fight for compromise. We have to keep safe our people in Kosovo and Metohija. We have to take care of the lives of our people, our elderly ones, their children and children of their children who still live in Kosovo and Metohija, who still love Serbian flag, who still speak Serbian language. That is why we have to search for compromise.

Today, when we speak about the respective, they do not comply with the verdicts of their authorities to bring back to Visoki Decani what belongs to Visoki Decani, and nobody is worrying too much about it.

For the first time we saw the press statement from the Quint who sincerely criticized the position of Albanian potentates in Pristina not to allow Serbs to declare they will in the Presidential and Parliamentary elections of Serbia. It lasted for half a day. A day later, they could continue doing everything they had been doing, because they will always have their support and no one should have any illusions in that regard.

Then, we come to a related issue. How much understanding we can encounter and how much rational acceptance of our arguments we can encounter when we say: “Well, wait a minute, you expect us to make equally strong commitments against the Russian Federation?” Now, put aside all our traditional relations, put aside everything else; put aside that we do not have problems with gas supply, with supply security, that we have good relations; put all that aside , and people, how can you, on one side, keep saying every day about territorial integrity, about protection of territorial integrity as a supreme principle of international public law, and then you tell us: ” You, Serbs, forget about observing the supreme principle of international public law, but make sure to refer to the Russian Federation even worse than we do, for everything that is happening worldwide.” And, it’s not a problem that they will not be on your side at the United Nations Security Council regarding your territorial integrity, because it is good for you to forget about your own territorial integrity.

I am only asking representatives of those countries to be a bit fair with Serbia and say: “We do understand your difficult position, but, no problem, we are pushing you into that.” This is the language that we can understand. It does not mean that we will obey, but this is the language that is far less hypocritical than the one saying that this is justice, and that this is just and fair, because if it had been just, fair and if it had been justice, you wouldn’t have devastated and you wouldn’t keep devastating territorial integrity of Serbia the way you had done it.
I know, fortunately or unfortunately, what it is that people like and I return to this again and repeat to you, I said this to save my soul, so that you know that I have one, as I know that many think that I do not, and I tell you that I happen to know these things better than most, but tomorrow we must have enough fuel, we must have enough food, we must have new hospitals, we must have new factories and we must maintain the best relations with our western partners and remain firmly, solidly, persistently and strongly on the European path.

The new government needs to be formed quickly, also because it is necessary for us to deal urgently, urgently with the coming winter and the supply of Serbia, above all, with energy sources. The situation is alarming and that is why it is important that we form the Government as soon as possible, so that we can dedicate ourselves to this, so that we can allocate a lot of money and provide security for the citizens of Serbia during the upcoming winter.

We have stable public finances thanks to the entire Government, the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Serbia, thanks to good work, stability, which we have maintained all the time. It is of great importance for us to preserve that stability.

Food. We have enough and we will have enough. All attempts to destabilize the Serbian market will fail because we are never deceiving. We never lie when we say that we have enough sugar, oil, wheat, sunflower, corn and everything else that is necessary for a normal and decent life.

There are big and key, essential, reform tasks in front of Serbia, which will be painful for many - from the new and much more serious and responsible energy policy, to education and science, which needs be the essence, the pillar of Serbia's progress in the future. I would especially like to ask the Government not to be afraid of the reactions regarding the wider, more comprehensive and convincing, more convincing introduction of dual education in our educational system, because everyone was running away from this. It is easiest to only wait for the next salary and see how much money the Ministry of Finance can provide, without realizing how much we lag behind Germany, Austria, Switzerland and how much, in fact, we are not ready to change ourselves, but we are ready to change everyone else.

We will continue, because the state must continue to invest in health care, because health care is becoming one of the pillars of both the development and survival of our nation. Further digitalization, development of robotics, artificial intelligence, but also care for climate change and environmental protection. We have many partners, from Norwegians to the EU and the United States, with whom we have entered into significant projects in the field of energy security, safety and environmental protection, which need to be deepened.

As for the issue of our army, as the supreme commander, I will try to make our army, through my authority, stronger, to be the guarantor of security, peace, safety and stability.

We have heard countless times in the past months that Serbia will allegedly attack someone, that the Serbian army will threaten someone. They lied for days, weeks, as long as this crisis in Ukraine has lasted, for ninety-six days. For ninety-six days, every day you could read those lies a hundred times and in a hundred places. And after ninety-six days, no one has yet apologized to us. Nobody has told us yet - sorry we lied from day one. And I thank Serbia for acting as a pillar of stability and for never endangering anyone, and for never asking for anything from anyone, except for asking to be its own, to have the right to keep its freedom, its sky and land, alone, without anyone's help.

I am convinced, dear friends, that Serbia will jealously guard its military neutrality. We are not politically neutral. We are on the European path and we know our obligations, but we must preserve our military neutrality. Everywhere around us are either NATO countries or territories where NATO is located. There is no territory, entity, country next to Serbia, other than Serbia, which is not in NATO.

Serbia is like a small island and some usually say or cite it as a problem. But let me tell you, what is the problem with trusting your people, trusting the heroic gene of your citizens that we were and will be able to protect our country and that we do not want to belong to any military bloc, that we just want to have the right to guard our borders, to guard our country, to have our soldiers and to protect our skies?

Today, Serbia also has more financial strength to guard its country than it had before. And Serbia today would no longer be easy prey for anyone, as we, unfortunately, despite our big heart, were easy prey in 1999.

And that is something I am proud of. So we are not attacking anyone, we do not endanger anyone, but I guarantee you one thing, and that is that no one will dare and no one, so easily as before, satisfying their geopolitical interests, will dare to go against Serbia, not because someone loves us or does not love us, and not only because today they do not have the interests they once had, but because Serbia is stronger. And it is stronger thanks to the people and citizens of Serbia who invested in their army, who believed in their army and who know that the path of neutrality is the path to the future for the Republic of Serbia and for our citizens.

What is also important is that salaries and pensions will grow, and inflation must not eat this away. Imported inflation, mostly imported inflation, must not eat away their incomes, because we fought for a better standard of living for the citizens, and the Government will have to work hard on that issue and ensure that pensions keep up with salaries.

And what is also important, and without which we have no future, and what we are all talking about, let me to joke a little at our expense. We, all of us, when we appear on television, all of us, all of us presidents, prime ministers, ministers, all analysts, all critics, all of us, whoever shows up, always goes and says: “Look, our villages are deserted”. Come on then, go back to the village. Come on, go to the village. In the end, you realize that we enjoy living in the cities quite a bit. We live in cities, naturally. All over Europe, all over the world, this is a trend and it will not change. And people who live in the city are not worse than those who live in the countryside and vice versa, people who live in the countryside are not worse than those who live in the city. And with all our efforts, and with all that we have done, it will be difficult for us to change that trend.

And then you hear from the same side the talk about how many children we have, there are not enough children, they say, we have no one to leave the country to. And then, whatever you say on the subject, you will be the subject of criticism, because they will tell you that you have offended someone because you want to encourage natalist or pro-natalist policy, because you have denied someone a right. Don't get upset. Today, we are much better off, and television shows and newspaper articles about pets are more popular than those about children.

I am sorry that I have to tell you this as the President of Serbia, I am sorry that no one else has the courage to say that, because they know that they will be lynched. I have been lynched hundreds of times and I have no problem with that. Pets are wonderful. Both the dog, and the cat, and the parrot, and the horses, whoever has them in the country, are wonderful, you love each of them in your own way, but we humans cannot survive, we have no future if we do not have more children. We would have no future, you can say what you want, our country would not survive.

Therefore, I expect the Government to continue with measures to stimulate the birth rate. And this is not meant as an insult to anyone. There are people who cannot have children, there are people whose choice is not to have children, but we, as a society and a state, need to make sure that we have those who will extend the life of the state. A state without citizens cannot exist.

And let me return again, I will say a few more words about the neighbours and what we should do.

What we have achieved in the previous period is very important to us. We have the closest and best possible relations with our Hungarian friends, I mean with the Hungarian state, the closest, historically closest relations, and that is something we must preserve and foster. We also have very good relations with Romania and Bulgaria, in the wider region and with Greece and Turkey. Owing to the Open Balkan initiative, which I will advocate and fight for with all my heart, we probably have the best relations in history with North Macedonia and Albania.

I would especially like to thank the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije for the very wise decisions he made and thus further contributed to the friendship and brotherhood we have with the Macedonian people. It is something that history, Your Holiness, will judge, not a daily report.

Thanks to you and thanks to the policy we pursued, today Serbia is the most popular country in North Macedonia, among their population, today we feel them as brothers and we do not have any problems in those relations and that is a great thing we managed to do.
Our relations with Albania have been ever better, stronger, and firmer. What we will have to pay a lot of attention to are our relations with Zagreb, with Croatia, and to try to change a lot of things, to finally agree that we do not see anything from the past in the same way, that our views of the past are not the same, that they are different, but that we should try to find the same glasses and the same binoculars to look at the future through, and see what we can do together. The doors of Belgrade and the gates, and the doors of the Presidency, will always be open for a good dialogue and conversation with Zagreb.

I expect the same with political Sarajevo, but they need to know that we will always protect the interests of public international law, those are the interests of Serbia, adherence to the Dayton Agreement, adherence to the Constitution of BiH, respect for the integrity of BiH, but that we will always demand that there is no change in the Dayton Agreement without the consent of all three peoples and that we will, understandably, stand side by side with the Republika Srpska, further develop our relations, whenever we can and if we can help the Republika Srpska, we are not ashamed of that, and we do not endanger anyone because of that, because we will try to lend everyone a hand of support, a hand of unity and a hand of help.

People used to say, my father is from the other side of the Drina, and I happen to have been born in Belgrade, and Serbs on the other side of the Drina have always said that people in Serbia could never understand how much the Republika Srpska loved Serbia.

I would say today, especially to our guests from the Republika Srpska, that they should have no doubt about how many people in Serbia love the Republika Srpska, and that it is not any less than the love of the Republika Srpska for Serbia.

What is important for us is that we build good, friendly and close relations with Bosniaks, despite all the political differences, despite the fact that sometimes someone does not want to accept an extended hand. We also have to do that because of the large number of Bosniaks living in our country. The events from Priboj must never happen again.

I will tell you just one thing from which you can best see how much these people love their country. After 37 years, as we managed to build networks of highways, railways, hospitals, factories after many decades, after 37 years we managed to bring two gold medals from the European Boxing Championship, but one medal we did not manage to bring.

I will tell you about this man from Prijepolje, his last name is Mamić or Memić, he won’t mind, he is a Bosniak, who fought so hard for Serbia, with all of his heart, it was a competition in Yerevan, I wish you could see it. And whenever he brought a medal, he would wear the flag of Serbia with pride. We should be proud of our Bosniak brothers and all those who are fighting for this country and build that future together with them.

Now, I would like to add, in a typically Serbian manner, to spice it up, because we can't do without it, Serbs just need to come up a conspiracy theory, that the judges robbed him in the fight for a medal, and made the decision in a vote that he lost that match.

We cannot change the whole world, we can only accept it as it is and seek our place in it. What we can do, what we want to continue, is to change ourselves, to build our country, in every sense to build it, in every field of science, education, health, economy, infrastructure, sports, culture.

We will also raise buildings, because, according to Ivo Andrić, they not only change the appearance and significance of the area in which they are located, but also have deep biological ties with the people who use them. There is an intimate and invisible connection between buildings and human settlements, a complex and vague, but constant exchange of mutual influences. Through the deeds of their individuals, people create buildings reflecting their deepest, often unconscious aspirations and characteristics, and those buildings are slowly and constantly influencing the character and habits of the people. We are becoming better, the great writer told us, by building ourselves and our country. This applies not only to structural buildings, but to everything we have built and to everything we have yet to build.

That is the key goal to which I will dedicate this mandate, my last one, so that when I leave this place, I know that Serbia is a better country than it was when I got here. There is no sacrifice that I will not make for the sake of that goal, and there are no things that I will not do, an effort that I will not be ready for. Because there is no compromise with ideals and that is the only thing with which there can be no compromise. Everything else is subject to compromises and compromise is one beautiful, not ugly word. In the end, this is precisely because my only ideal is Serbia.

By placing my hand on the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and Miroslav Gospel, I take on the burden of great responsibility. This is not only a responsibility towards this generation of Serbian citizens, but also towards the great predecessors, and especially towards the generations to come. As the great Njegos said: “Later generations judge deeds”.

I live in the belief that our policy will withstand the test of time and that future generations, deprived of the emotions that immediate participants and contemporaries always and inevitably have, will objectively evaluate, from a safe historical distance, our time as a time of stabilization and rise of Serbia.

Before I finish, dear friends, I want to thank everyone. I also want to thank you here, from this convocation of parliament or the old convocation of parliament, because you have brought great and important changes for Serbia. You are the ones who dared to say - we do not want all the power in our hands, we want an independent judiciary. You were the only one who dared to say that and do it. You passed the most important laws, in order to save the people in the time of COVID You adopted the most important measures when Serbia needed to be financially protected and preserved. You have done a lot of good for our people and citizens. It is history that will be the judge, not someone on a daily basis.

I want to thank all the former presidents of the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, who have made a huge contribution to the progress of our country, who know what the state is, who with their presence today show that one who once knows what the state is, never forgets duty and does not forget what the state is and always adheres to the basic principle that the state and the interests of the state need to be more important than personal interests. Therefore, I thank you all for being here today and you have my endless respect for all that you have done for our country.

I want to thank you, dear friends from the Republika Srpska. I have worked with you a lot, Željka, Mile, in the past five years, we have done a lot of good things for our people, it seems to me. We have certainly also made mistakes. Thank you for sometimes tolerating my different views, for being able to understand that we do not have to have the same opinion on every issue, but we knew what our goal was, and that is the well-being of our Serbian people, and always the well-being of the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska. Thank you for tolerating me.

Thank you, Your Holiness, for always being with our people, for always being there to share both the good and bad.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, who have not had an easy time in the past five years. I don’t want to complain, because it will not be any easier for them in the next five years either, I just want to tell Danilo, Milica and Vukan that I love them endlessly and that their dad could not do anything without them.

Because of all the above, I will pray to God in the same way as the wonderful Rebecca West did while the Nazi bombs were falling on her homeland: God, let me behave like a Serb! Long live Serbia!"

Belgrade, 31st May 2022     

Photo: Presidency/Dimitrije Goll    

Selaković: Application of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the Council of Europe is contrary to the rules and norms of this organisation

20. May 2022.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selaković took part in the 132nd Council of Europe ministerial session in Turin today.



In his address, Minister Selaković highlighted that Serbia's foreign policy was based on respect for the principles of international law, territorial integrity, and political independence of countries, and that Serbia considered it very wrong to violate those principles in the case of any country, as well as in the case of Serbia. “Our position on these principles is very clear. Although it seems that some countries are guided by the principle Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi (What is permissible for Jupiter may not be permissible for a bull), Serbia remains committed to the fundamental principles of international law,” Minister Selaković noted.

Minister Selaković added that safeguarding those principles was more important today than ever and pointed out that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe often explicitly insisted on them in its decisions and declarations. “To review an application of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the Council of Europe, which is legally inadmissible, would bring into question the credibility of this organisation. I emphasise that this move by Priština is absolutely unacceptable for Serbia, and we will be compelled to respond to such gross violation of our territorial integrity with all diplomatic means available," he emphasised.

Minister Selaković stated that Serbia supported any engagement of the Council of Europe in Kosovo and Metohija aimed at improving standards in the field of human rights, rule of law and democracy in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Council of Europe's status-neutral approach. According to him, the authorities from Priština had not shown interest in meeting the obligations under the Brussels dialogue, especially as regards protecting the rights of the Serbs and other non-Albanian communities ― a matter that the UN Secretary General's reports on UNMIK have also been warning about.

“The application for membership is a political goal for Priština, not a value commitment, and it is an attempt to abuse the Council of Europe. It is in deep contrast with the norms and rules of this organisation, other international organisations and international law,” Minister Selaković argued. He emphasised that the application was another clear indication that Priština had no intention of reaching any solution through dialogue, and that Priština had again opted for a unilateral approach, as it had done many times before.

Minister Selaković noted that Serbia was committed to and promoting the principles and values ​​of the Council of Europe, also because it was an important segment of Serbia's path to EU membership to which it, too, was fully committed.

Minister Selaković concluded by saying that Serbia was closely following the implications of the tragedy in Ukraine, notably on the civilian population, and that it would continue to provide humanitarian aid and refuge to persons who enter the territory of Serbia.


Belgrade to get Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution


                                                                                                                                                          7 February 2022

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended today in Geneva the signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia, the first of its kind in the Western Balkans.

The agreement was signed at the headquarters of that forum by Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanovic and Managing Director and Head of the Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Jeremy Jurgens.

The centre in Serbia will be the 16th in the network of centres of the World Economic Forum in the world and the first in the region of the Western Balkans.

Serbian Office in Valletta to open soon

21. Jan 2022.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia informs that the Office of the Republic of Serbia in Valletta, in the Republic of Malta, will open on 31 January. 
The opening of the Office of the Serbian Embassy in Italy, with a seat in Valletta, is in the interest of further development of inter-state relations with the Republic of Malta, and in addition to providing consular and legal protection to Serbian nationals, the Office will work to promote the bilateral and economic relations, as well as cultural-educational, scientific-technical and other types of cooperation between the two countries.
The Office, which is being opened owing to the Memorandum on co-location signed with Hungary, is located at the following address: Europa Centre, Level 3, Office 18/a, Triq Sant` Anna 58, Floriаna, FRN,1400 Malta.
Contact details of the Office are as follows: phone +35627037921 and +35627023539, e-mail:
The Office in Valletta will be open for clients on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm.
The jurisdiction of the Office in Valletta covers the territory of the Republic of Malta.
Opening of cluster 4 important turning point for Serbia
14 December 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in Brussels today after the Intergovernmental conference on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union (EU) that today is a very important date and a turning point for Serbia.
Brnabic said that in line with the new methodology, Serbia has opened cluster 4 – Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity, and within cluster 4, four chapters have been opened...
Serbia expects support for opening clusters by end year
12 November 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today in Paris that she expects positive news and support from France for opening one or two clusters at the intergovernmental conference to be held in December...
UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija
12 November 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that severe examples of endangering the Serbian cultural, historical and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija are proof of the important role of UNESCO in protecting and preserving heritage.
At the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, Brnabic emphasized that four jewels of the Serbian medieval cultural heritage in Kosovo – Visoki Decani, Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica and Bogorodica Ljeviska, have been preserved thanks to the fact that they are inscribed on the endangered world heritage list. Hundreds of other sites and monuments are endangered.
The Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is of immeasurable importance, not only for the national identity of Serbia, but also as a part of the esteemed European and world heritage, she underlined.
Source/Photo: www.srbija.gov.rs
Address of the President of the Republic of Serbia at the United Nations climate change conference COP26 held in Glasgow
2nd November 2021
"Your Excellences,
distinguished delegates,
dear Sarah,
At the very beginning, I feel obliged to thank Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Her Majesty’s Government for exceptional hospitality. 
I feel privileged to represent the Republic of Serbia at this important place and at the highest-level world forum, in working on the most important topic of today – promoting climate awareness... 
Continuous communication with EU on further reforms
22 October 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, together with Minister of European Integration and Chief Negotiator Jadranka Joksimovic, met today with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret and the ambassadors of the EU Member States.
The topics of the meeting were 2021 EU Enlargement Package and in particular the Report of the European Commission on Serbia for this year, as well as the next steps in the process of accession to the EU...
New investments of Italian businessmen in Serbia considered
21 October 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with President of Confindustria Serbia Patrizio Dei Tos about the business of Italian companies and the business climate in Serbia, their new investments in our country and bilateral relations.
Brnabic pointed out the exceptionally good bilateral relations in the field of economy, which was contributed by the strategic partnership between the two countries, and added that solving the problems that appear in Serbia, as well as in every other market economy in the world, is of great importance...
Selaković in UNSC: Dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues
15th October 2021
Distinguished President of the Security Council,
Esteemed members of the Security Council,
Distinguished Special Representative,
I would like to thank Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Guterres and Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Mr. Tanin for the report submitted and for their efforts made towards the implementation of the UNMIK mandate. I would also like to thank the members of the Security Council for the continued attention they have devoted to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. The Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of the Mission of the United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija and supports it in carrying out its work as efficiently as possible, pursuant to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and undiminished in scope, aiming to build and preserve lasting peace, stability and security in the Province...
President Vučić attended ceremony of the beginning of works on the modernization and rehabilitation of the Niš-Brestovac railway
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić and President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, have attended today the ceremony of the beginning of works on the modernization and rehabilitation of Niš-Brestovac railway at the international Corridor 10 as well as signing of the agreement between the Public Company Koridori Srbije and Consortium STRABAG AG and STRABAG d.o.o. Beograd on the construction of the first phase of the Highway of peace in the section Merošina – Merošina 1.
“In Donje Međurovo the 23km long railway is build and 75 percent of it will be financed by the European Union. It is enormous money for us, great encouragement and respect. This railway and highway are important both for us and Europe. I am very grateful to Mrs Von der Leyen for coming to Niš today and Niš becomes the center of all Balkan corridors, it becomes the Balkan crossroads”, said President Vučić adding that Serbia was entirely committed to the implementation of the agreements signed so far under the auspices of the EU...
President Vučić met Ambassadors of Quinta countries
27 September 2021
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić has received today ambassadors of the Quinta member countries -  the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany as well as the Head of the European Union Delegation who asked for the de-escalation of the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Methoija.
President Vučić explained the position of Serbia on this occasion. “We are dedicated to the preservation of peace and observance of the Brussels Agreement but under no circumstance shall we allow the humiliation of Serbia or its citizens”, said President Vučić.
Source/Photo: www.predsednik.rs 
Telephone conversation of President Vučić and General Secretary of NATO
26 September 2021
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has discussed today by phone with the General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg about, as the General Secretary said, worrisome situation in northern Kosovo and Metohija.
President Vučić said that Serbia had not violated either Brussels Agreement or Resolution 1244 by anything, by any single move or in any manner jeopardized peace preservation.
“The complete occupation by armored vehicles of northern Kosovo and Metohija has lasted for seven days and it is conducted by Priština and everyone in the international community “are thunderously silent”, said Serbian President. “However, everyone is worried all of a sudden when they spot Serbian helicopters and airplanes at the territory of central Serbia, because apparently they should not exist, or should not take off until they receive the approval from Kurti or someone from the international community”, says President Vučić.
Serbia observes all international agreements it signed, Serbia will always conduct responsibly and seriously, but Serbia is still asking when the formation of SMC will start and when Kurti’s armored units will be withdrawn from northern Kosovo and Metohija.
Finally, with the gratitude to General Secretary Stoltenberg for the fair relation and wish to listen to the Serbian side, President Vučić asked about the norm and international regulation violated by Serbia? Today, yesterday or any time?
The two interlocutors agreed to stay in constant touch due to necessity of the preservation of peace and stability in the entire region.
Source/Photo: www.predsednik.rs
Selaković in New York with 28 foreign ministers on economic successes of Serbia and K&M situation
25 September 2021
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, has stated that in New York he introduced foreign ministers of 28 countries to economic success of Serbia but also to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, which he also discussed with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, who told him that we could count on the support of the Russian Federation, with regards to Serbian interests in K&M.
Summarizing results of his visit to New York within the session of the UN General Assembly, Minister Selaković says that one of the last meetings was with Minister Lavrov, which was their third meeting in the previous nine months...
Pristina seriously jeopardised regional stability
25 September 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic warned today that Pristina has seriously jeopardised local and regional stability after sending heavily armed special units to the north of Kosovo who are exerting ` against the peaceful Serbian population.
Brnabic spoke at the general debate of world leaders, as part of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.
We bring the Prime Minister's speech in its entirety...
Prime Minister Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organised by White House
22 September 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated today at the Global COVID-19 summit, organised by the White House, which was opened by US President Joseph Biden.
The video messages are attended by a large number of world leaders and officials of international organizations, including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others...
Cipriani company interested in investing in Serbia
23 August 2021
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, talked today with the director of the Italian company Cipriani, Giuseppe Cipriani, about potential investments in Serbia.
Brnabić informed her interlocutor about the most important economic indicators and investment opportunities in our country, emphasizing that Serbia has been continuously working on improving business and investment conditions since 2014, and that both Serbia and Belgrade have great potential for new investments.
She talked with Cipriani about the possibilities for cooperation and potential investments of the company, which is one of the leaders in the field of catering and hotel management.
Cipriani said he would be happy to visit Belgrade again to continue the talks about investments.
Photo: Tanjug
Marking the Remembrance Day of all Serbs who died and were expelled in the armed operation "Storm"
5 August 2021
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, attended the marking of the Remembrance Day of all the victims and expelled Serbs in the armed operation "Storm" and said that Serbia remembers!
"Today, when we remind ourselves again of what happened in August 1995, the terrible pogrom, the expulsion of more than 250,000 Serbs, the exodus and ethnic cleansing, we, at the same time, and finally, remind ourselves of who we are, what we are, where we come from and where we are going. Thank you all for being here together tonight and for showing how much we love our people", said President Vučić, adding that we will not forget any of the things that the Krajina people had to go through.
"For us, these are not just terrible numbers of victims", said President Vučić and emphasized that Serbia will not forget...
Testo d’autore dell’Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia in Italia S.E. Goran Aleksić, in occasione del 26° anniversario della repressione del popolo serbo nell’azione “Tempesta” dell’esercito croato
In data odierna, 4 agosto, cade il 26° anniversario della repressione del popolo serbo avvenuta nell’azione “Tempesta” dell’esercito croato. In quella data, le forze armate attaccarono la zona autonoma serba di Krajina, benché fosse sotto la protezione dell’ONU. Nell’operazione rivolta contro la popolazione serba, parteciparono ben 138.500 rappresentanti delle forze armate e della polizia croate. Nell’operazione morirono molti serbi e furono scacciati dai propri focolari più di 220.000 serbi.
La storia registra plurisecolare presenza dei serbi in questa parte del territorio della ex Jugoslavia, i quali contribuivano attivamente alla vita politica, economica, culturale e formativa del paese in comune. Il loro tragico destino, tuttavia, oggi si collega ad uno dei maggiori crimini di pulizia etnica del dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, in cui, insieme all’espulsione di più di 220.000 serbi, perirono e scomparvero più di 1.800 serbi, di cui 1.221 civili. Nell’operazione, denominata simbolicamente dalla parte croata “Tempesta”, oltre al numero esorbitante di vittime, furono distrutte 25.000 case, 78 chiese, 96 musei, 930 monumenti, 181 cimiteri, numerose scuole, aziende sanitarie locali, e buttati giù tutti gli impianti industriali.
Al termine della guerra civile e dell’esodo di massa del popolo serbo, il numero di serbi in Croazia si è ridotto di due terzi. Infatti, secondo il censimento del 1991, nella Repubblica di Croazia vivevano 581.663 serbi (il 12% della popolazione totale), mentre il censimento del 2011 riporta che in Croazia vivono 186.622 abitanti di nazionalità serba (ovvero solamente il 4,36%). L’esodo in sordina della popolazione serba era proseguito anche negli anni successivi, visto che non si era fermato l’incitamento all’odio, la rivisitazione storica, la discriminazione del popolo serbo, nonché le violenze fisiche e i danni materiali delle proprietà.
Oggigiorno, purtroppo, quasi nessuno in Europa e nel mondo parla di queste sofferenze del popolo serbo, né i promotori e gli ideatori di questo spregevole atto furono processati per i propri misfatti. Fanno male anche le ferite non ancora lenite del popolo serbo della seconda guerra mondiale, il quale, nella stessa Croazia, era vittima del genocidio perpetrato dal nazista Stato Indipendente di Croazia, e la maggior parte perse la vita nel famigerato campo di concentramento di Jasenovac. Le vittime e le sofferenze del popolo serbo nella seconda guerra mondiale nonché nella guerra civile in Croazia, nella storia recente, non possono essere e non saranno mai dimenticate. A maggior ragione per il fatto che ogni anno, in data in cui avvenne la “Tempesta”, rimaniamo sconcertati e basiti dalle immagini e dalle scene dei raduni in cui si festeggia la “liberazione” nonché l’anniversario di quest’azione militare scellerata, che fu la vergogna dell’intero mondo civile.
La Serbia e il popolo serbo non accetteranno mai più l’umiliazione, e le nostre immensurabili vittime ci impegnano a lottare per la giustizia e a non consentire i festeggiamenti sulle tombe dei nostri connazionali. La Serbia di oggi ricorda la storia, ma è al contempo orientata verso la pace, la stabilità, la pacificazione e la cooperazione con i suoi vicini di casa, ed è il nostro desiderio risolvere le questioni rimaste aperte, soprattutto quelle relative all’oppressione avvenuta in Croazia, attraverso il dialogo. Del che è la migliore testimonianza il nostro proprio esempio, dato che la Serbia è una buona patria dei serbi ma anche di 26 minoranze nazionali che ci vivono, compresa quella croata. Vogliamo credere in un mondo più tranquillo e più giusto, in cui saranno rispettati i diritti umani e delle minoranze e in cui non si ripeterà mai il pogrom subito dal popolo serbo nel corso della sua storia. 
President Vučić: We have decided – our goal is the EU, but China is an important partner
22 July 2021
We have decided – our goal was and remains the EU, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said in an interview with the German daily "Handelsblatt", adding that there is no alternative for Serbia, but also stressing that China is an important partner for Serbia, and that the task of the state is to take care about the interests of its citizens.
He thus answered the question of what Serbia will choose once it has to choose between close relations with Beijing or the EU. Vučić emphasized that Serbia wants to become a full member of the EU...
Serbia has achieved great success in the field of digitalization
20 July 2021
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated at a gathering dedicated to digitalization and the IT sector, which was held in New York, that since she became Prime Minister, she is most proud of Serbia's success in the field of digitalization.
Brnabić, who is on a two-day visit to the United States, said that when she was elected Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in August 2016, she wanted to do everything to change the public administration and what bothered her as a citizen...
Serbia strongly supports Berlin Process
5 July 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated today in the online Summit of Leaders of the Berlin Process, which discussed the concrete results achieved during its seven-year term, plans for the next period and initiatives aimed at providing support Western Balkans on its way to the European Union.
The focus of the summit was on building a common regional market related to four fundamental freedoms: free movement of people, goods, services and capital, for which the Action Plan was adopted in November last year, and from which the region would have special benefits...


President Vučić participates in the Mini Schengen conference
29th June 2021
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić participated today via a video link in the conference "Mini Schengen" with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, Edi Rama, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev. The officials discussed further steps in regional cooperation, as a process vital to the progress of the Western Balkans and the European path as a whole.
The interlocutors agreed that the countries of the Western Balkans need membership in the European Union, but also that the European Union needs the Western Balkans just as much since the region is surrounded by EU borders and the countries aspiring to membership share common European values...
Minister Selaković with future defense attachés of the Republic of Serbia
25. June 2021.
The head of Serbian diplomacy, Nikola Selaković, talked today with future defense attachés at the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who are preparing to go abroad.
Minister Selaković wished the future defense attachés of the Republic of Serbia success in their work, emphasizing that they will have the full support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our diplomatic and consular network in the performance of their work.
Selaković briefed a group of future defense attachés, who will serve in Montenegro, the United Kingdom, Germany, Croatia, Belgium, Italy and Romania, on Serbia's foreign policy priorities.
Minister Selaković paid special attention to explaining the directions of our regional policy, emphasizing that preserving regional stability and promoting economic cooperation are priority goals.
Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy, Luigi Di Maio, with whom he asserted that the relations between the two countries are featured by a high degree of mutual understanding.
President Vučić and Minister Di Maio expressed hope that the fourth joint session of the governments could be held by the end of the year as it would give a strong impetus to comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, following the Strategic Partnership Agreement...
Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia at the session of the United Nations Security Council
09. June 2021.
Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, members of the delegations
I would point to a few ongoing issues in my speech that refer to the competences of the Mechanism, namely, the possibility of serving the sentences passed by the ICTY and Mechanism in the Republic of Serbia, with the current practice of disabling early release of the sentenced persons as well as obligation of the Mechanism regarding protection of sentenced persons.
The second part of the speech will be dedicated to issues that are opened by the six –month Report on the work of the Mechanism by Mechanism President Mr. Agius and Report by the Chief Prosecutor Mr. Serge Brammertz, especially regarding current cooperation of the Republic of Serbia and the Mechanism...


Ministro Selakovic ha presentato il nuovo servizio “e-Consolato”
20 maggio 2021
Oggi a Belgrado è stato presentato il nuovo servizio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri “e-Consolato”, destinato ai cittadini stranieri che presentano la domanda di visto e desiderano venire a lavorare in Serbia.
In occasione, il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di Serbia Nikola Selakovic ha detto che tale servizio è uno degli indici del valido sviluppo del nostro paese, il quale, come ha sottolineato, sta diventando calamita per delle serie aziende estere, che portano un gran numero di lavoratori dagli altri paesi affinché lavorino in Serbia. 
“Non voglio essere pretenzioso, ma solamente realistico, questo servizio rappresenta il punto di rottura nel funzionamento del nostro sistema. L’e-Consolato e la digitalizzazione del procedimento del rilascio dei visti di lavoro ai cittadini stranieri che desiderano lavorare in Serbia, è il primo servizio digitale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, e posso promettervi che è il primo servizio, ma senz’altro non sarà l’ultimo”, ha sottolineato Selakovic...
Selakovic: Serbia demonstrated that solidarity does not solely have to be the privilege of the rich
11 May 2021
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selakovic participated today in the Adriatic and Ionian Council of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative and the Ministerial Meeting of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, stating that it was necessary to include all available resources of this initiative more directly in finding common answers to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Serbian Foreign Minister pointed out that the pandemic can only be defeated by joint forces, emphasizing that solidarity was the key word in these challenging times... 
Vucic: We consider Europe our home
8 May 2021
President Vucic said tonight that the visionary idea of Robert Schuman brought a true victory of the new trust after the Second World War and faith in the unification of differences in peace and solidarity, with the message that Serbia has that faith, as well as hope that it will become a country that will be gladly regarded in the European family of nations.
Congratulating everyone in Serbia and the EU on Europe Day, Vucic reminded that 9 May was also the day when the great victory of freedom is celebrated, which was won with huge sacrifices.
"While the horrors of war were still fresh in memory and Europe was healing the wounds of World War II, it also had people like Robert Schuman who understood that future can only be created based on the reconciliation of nations and their unity", Vucic said at the reception on the occasion of Europe Day...
Selakovic congratulates Josep Borrell on Europe Day
8 May 2021
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selakovic extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of 9 May, Europe Day, to High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, expressing confidence that the idea of uniting in diversity, in peace and solidarity, would continue to be the guiding idea of the European Union.  
"I am deeply convinced that the Republic of Serbia, through a policy of peace and good-neighbourly cooperation, can contribute to the European Union becoming an even better place to live, with the sincere belief that our achievements on the path to membership in the European family of nations will be adequately valued", reads the congratulatory message by Minister Selakovic, adding that the European perspective gave a strong impetus for our country to comprehensively implement political, economic and social reforms with the aim of becoming a full member of the European Union in the foreseeable future.
The Serbian Foreign Minister underlined that Serbia historically, culturally and in terms of values, belonged to the circle of countries united under the flag of the European Union and expressed hope that not only our country, but also our neighbours in the Western Balkans, would have the opportunity in the near future to become a part of what is without a doubt the most successful peace, democratic and economic project in the history of our common continent.
Selakovic also took the opportunity to extend gratitude on behalf of Serbia to the European Union for its assistance in the fight against the infectious Covid-19, emphasizing that our country highly appreciated the expressed solidarity and support in the difficult times of the pandemic outbreak and expressing confidence that the period ahead would see us contribute by joint forces to identifying solutions for overcoming the economic consequences of the corona virus pandemic.
President Vučić met via video link with representatives of the IMF delegation
21st April 2021
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić talked today via a video link with the representatives of the delegation of the International Monetary Fund led by the Head of the Mission, Jan Kees Martijn. The interlocutors concluded that Serbia's main goal remains to preserve the hard-earned reputation of a fiscally secure country, as well as to continue with a responsible fiscal policy so that public debt does not exceed 60 per cent of GDP, whereby Serbia continues to work on further economic growth.
During the conversation, President Vučić and Jan Kees Martijn especially referred to the incentive measures and adopted three packages of measures to help the economy and citizens, which preserved macroeconomic stability and even achieved a higher employment rate. Martijn commended the responsible economic policy of Serbia and the successful crisis management during the pandemic...
Meeting with the World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe
20th April 2021
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation for Europe Hans Kluge, to discuss cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as cooperation in improving health care in our country and other joint activities.
President Vučić thanked Dr Kluge for his personal engagement and support during the current pandemic, especially for technical assistance and expertise. On this occasion, he informed the WHO official about the results of immunisation in Serbia and plans on how to provide the vaccine to all citizens who want to get it...
WHO describes immunisation process in Serbia as impressive
19 April 2021
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge about the epidemiological situation and the course of immunisation of citizens in Serbia.
Brnabic expressed gratitude for the cooperation in the fight against the pandemic, technical assistance and expertise, emphasising that the support of this organisation is very important for our country...
Selakovic: Pristina è costante nella sua campagna di odio nei confronti del popolo serbo
13 aprile 2021
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Serbia ha constatato stasera che Pristina rimane costante nella sua campagna di odio nei confronti del popolo serbo, il che si vede drasticamente nelle non argomentate accuse di stupri di massa e di genocidio.
Selakovic ha sottolineato, nella seduta del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU in cui è stata analizzata la relazione del Segretario Generale dell’ONU circa l’operato dell’UNMIK, che sono evidenti gli sforzi delle istituzioni provvisorie del Kosovo e Metohija di creare una narrazione sugli stupri di massa delle donne albanesi, e che a tali fini si utilizzano metodi propagandistici e delle menzogne.
“E’ chiaro che ci sono state vittime da tutte le parti del conflitto, e che la nostra parte dispone delle prove sulle numerose vittime serbe. Il presupposto per la realizzazione della tutela dei diritti che gode ciascuna vittima singolarmente è un approccio razionale e argomentato”, ha detto Selakovic, rispondendo alle calunnie della rappresentante di Pristina...
Selakovic: L’Estremismo politico degli albanesi in Kosovo e Metohija sempre più forte
13 aprile 2021
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri Nikola Selakovic ha avvisato, alla seduta del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU, che l’estremismo politico tra gli albanesi in Kosovo e Metohija non perde il vigore, ma, anzi, sta diventando sempre più forte.
Selakovic ha ricordato, nella seduta in cui si esaminava la Relazione del Segretario Generale dell’ONU circa l’operato dell’UNMIK, che all’obbligo di costituire l’Unione dei comuni serbi non si è adempiuti da 2.917 giorni e che di fatto, il 19 aprile si compiono esattamente otto anni dal raggiungimento dell’accordo di Bruxelles, e che Pristina rifiuta ancora di adempiere al suo impegno consentendo la costituzione dell’Unione dei comuni serbi...
"Il successo della vaccinazione degli stranieri - in nanzitutto dei paesi della Regione - in Serbia, è enorme. E' il modo di consolidare la sicurezza comune, dato che se le persone della Regione non sono sicure, non lo possono esserenemmeno i cittadini in Serbia. La maggior parte dei cittadini stranieri vaccinati in Serbia provengono dalla Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Macedonia del Nord e Montenegro. 
Negli ultimi giorni, a seguito della grande risonanza mediatica in tutto il mondo nonché dell’eccellente organizzazione del processo di fornitura di vaccini e dell’immunizzazione che si sta svolgendo in Serbia, è stato notato un grande interesse per lavaccinazione nel nostro Paese, non solamente dai cittadini dei Paesi della Regione, ma anche di una gran parte dell’Europa Occidentale e Centrale. E’stato registrato un numero consistente di richieste, e anche delle richieste di turismo “vaccinale”, sia da parte dei cittadini delle dette parti dell’Europa, che degli operatori turistici, delle agenzie turistiche e delle compagnieaeree.
La Serbia è attualmente impegnata sulla vaccinazione dei suoi cittadini, ma cercheremo diaiutare - tramite le donazioni dei vaccini nel prossimo periodo – gli amici e ivicini di casa nella lotta al corona virus.
Negli ultimi giorni è aumentato anche l’interesse della popolazione nostrana per lavaccinazione e di fatto la Serbia sta registrando i record giornalieri divaccinazione della sua popolazione.
Nel caso chenel prossimo periodo ci siano possibilità di vaccinare anche gli stranieri interessati (coloro che non dispongono della residenza in Serbia), la Serbia cercherà, con grande piacere e conformemente alle sue capacità, di venire in contro a tali richieste. In quel caso, faremo una tempestiva comunicazione al pubblico. Dobbiamo tuttavia sottolineare che in questo momento ciò non èpossibile.
I cittadini stranieri possono esprimere il loro interessamento per la vaccinazione in Serbia tramite il portale eUprava, ma è importante sottolineare che ciò non è sufficiente per avere una risposta di conferma nonché l’invito con la data e il luogo della vaccinazione. Per questo motivo si sconsiglia ai cittadini esteri di partire di loro spontanea volontà perla Serbia ai fini della vaccinazione, dopo aver solamente presentato l’interessamento sul portale eUprava, o persino senza nemmeno averlo fatto (dato che si sonopresentate diverse persone in questa modalità nei punti vaccinali), esponendosi in tale modo a situazioni sgradevoli e sostenendo delle spese.”
L’incontro con l’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana
5 aprile 2021 
Il Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ha ricevuto oggi l’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana Carlo Lo Cascio, con cui ha convenuto che la visita della scorsa settimana del Capo della Diplomazia serba Nikola Selaković a Roma ha confermato la vicinanza tra i due Paesi e l’alto livello di reciproca intesa.
Il Presidente Vučić e l’Ambasciatore Lo Cascio hanno espresso l’auspicio che la situazione epidemiologica consentirà che quest’anno si tenga la quarta congiunta seduta dei due Governi, dato che la medesima darebbe una forte spinta alla cooperazione a tutto spiano tra i due Paesi...
Selaković: I vaccini non sono una questione di geopolitica ma di umanità
2 aprile 2021
La Serbia prosegue con successo la sua campagna di vaccinazione anti Covid-19 in cui non è stata guidata dalle motivazioni geopolitiche, ma dall’intenzione di salvare le vite umane, ha dichiarato il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Serbia Nikola Selaković nell’intervista rilasciata all’agenzia italiana „Nova“ durante la visita di due giorni a Roma.
“Non ritengo che si tratti di un mistero geopolitico, ma del frutto di un approccio completamente diverso”, ha dichiarato Selaković commentando il successo della Serbia nelle forniture dei vaccini contro il Covid.
A suo aviso, la corsa ai vaccini anti-covid “non è una questione geopolitica, ma è una questione di salvaguardia della salute della popolazione” e “quando esiste una tale priorità, non si agisce secondo la visione geopolitica ma con umanità”...
Selaković: Per l’Italia la Serbia è il paese fondamentale della Regione
1° aprile 2021
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di Serbia Nikola Selaković ha detto oggi che l’Italia considera la Serbia il paese fondamentale della Regione e che il nostro Paese, con il suo sviluppo economico e sociale ha dimostrato che i paesi dei Balcani Occidentali possono davvero svilupparsi e raggiungere gli standard europei.
“Nell’incontro è stato detto senza giri di parole: tutto gli occhi sono puntati addosso alla Serbia. Grazie per il fatto che il vostro Governo e il Primo Ministro (Mario) Draghi collocano la Regione dei Balcani Occidentali altamente sulla lista di priorità della vostra politica estera”, ha detto il Capo della Diplomazia Serba alla conferenza stampa con l’omologo italiano Luigi Di Maio... 
Selaković: L’Italia appoggia la Serbia senza riserve
31 marzo 2021
L’Italia appoggia l’apertura di tutti i capitoli del negoziato per i quali la Serbia è pronta ed è il maggior paese dell’UE che non avanza alcuna riserva nel suo appoggio alla Serbia sul piano dell’avanzamento dell’eurointegrazione, ha dichiarato oggi a Roma il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di Serbia Nikola Selaković.
Il Capo della Diplomazia serba ha inoltre sottolineato che l’Italia dimostra un particolare interesse riguardo alla Regione dei Balcani Occidentali.
Selaković dice di aver avuto occasioni di parlare a Roma anche dei rapporti all’interno della Regione stessa, sottolineando che è stato riscontrato un indubbio appoggio alle iniziative partite dal Presidente Vučić relative alla creazione di un unico mercato economico dei Balcani Occidentali...
Selaković: L’Italia rappresenta per la Serbia un partner importante e affidabile
31 marzo 2021
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di Serbia, Nikola Selaković si è rivolto oggi alla Commissione Affari Esteri ed Europei della Camera dei Deputati del Parlamento italiano lanciando il messaggio di come i nostri rapporti bilaterali possono fungere da esempio di una riuscita e sviluppata cooperazione istituzionale costruita sulle fondamenta del partenariato strategico.
Il Capo della Diplomazia ha detto che l’Italia può essere fermamente sicura di avere nel Governo della Serbia un partner stabile ed affidabile volto verso un futuro europeo.
“La Serbia vede l’Italia come suo partner europeo importante, rispettabile ed affidabile. La stabilità dei rapporti è un valore costante che continueremo a coltivare e a consolidare”, ha detto Selaković.
Nella complessità delle circostanze della pandemia, la Serbia ha – nello spirito della solidarietà e dell’amicizia – nell’aprile dell’anno scorso inviato una delle maggiori donazioni del materiale sanitario, come supporto al sistema sanitario, proprio all’Italia, ha ricordato il Ministro...
Marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression
24 March 2021
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic made a statement on the occasion of marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression.
"Your Holiness, distinguished Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, distinguished Speakers of the National Assemblies of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Prime Ministers of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Ministers of both Governments, dear guests and friends, representatives of the Serbian People from Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, thank you for the fact that we are all together tonight and that the Serbian spirit is unbreakable and invincible...
Selakovic: L’Italia è uno dei più importanti partner della Serbia
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Serbia Nikola Selakovic ha parlato oggi con l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Carlo Lo Cascio.
Il Ministro Selakovic ha sottolineato che l’Italia è uno dei partner più importanti della Serbia, il secondo partner per quanto riguarda il commercio estero, il secondo maggiore datore di lavoro estero e il Paese che ci appoggia fortemente sul cammino dell’eurointegrazione.
Ha sottolineato in particolare il fatto che in Serbia operano ben 1.789 società commerciali italiane con più di 26.000 dipendenti ed ha evidenziato che il nostro Paese cercherà anche in futuro di provvedere a delle condizioni favorevoli per il proseguimento del supporto agli investitori italiani in Serbia...
La République de Serbie au Mois de la Francophonie


La République de Serbie en qualité de membre associé à l'OIF, de concert avec toute la communauté francophone dans le monde entier, célèbre le Mois de la Francophonie. Pour tous les amateurs de la culture serbe et de la langue française, le Ministère de la Culture et de l'Information de la République de Serbie a préparé un vaste programme et L’Ambassade de la République de Serbie à Rome vous invite à découvrir la diversité et la richesse de la culture serbe en français.

Le celebrazioni del Giorno della Memoria del 17 marzo 2004 – il pogrom avvenuto in Kosovo e Metohija
Il Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ha assistito oggi alle celebrazioni del Giorno della Memoria del 17 marzo 2004 – il pogrom avvenuto in Kosovo e Metohija. Ha detto che esattamente 17 anni fa in Kosovo e Metohija era avvenuto il pogrom, e che il pogrom è il peggiore di tutti i crimini.
 “Forse esiste l’epoca in cui non siamo in grado di impedire l’ingiustizia, ma non deve mai esistere l’epoca in cui non ci ribelliamo contro l’ingiustizia, queste parole di Elie Wiesel, soopravvissuto al campo di sterminio, premio Nobel, ci obbligano per sempre a non tacere contro il crimine, a prescindere da chi l’abbia commesso“, ha detto il Presidente Vučić aggiungendo che serbiamo memoria e che abbiamo imparato ogni lezione che ci ha visti sconfitti, ogni lezione in cui abbiamo taciuto le proprie vittime, ogni lezione in cui eravamo disposti a dimenticare.
“La Serbia oggi non è più debole, né è il paese dei perdenti, non minaccia, ma tanto meno dimentica, è disposta al dialogo, ma non all’umiliazione. La Serbia, proprio come ogni altro paese, ha diritto di prendersi cura del suo popolo, della sua incolumità e del suo benessere. Il diritto alla vita è il fondamentale diritto umano e noi lo difenderemo sempre”, ha detto il Presidente Vučić.
  Fotografia: Dimitrije Gol
Il Presidente Vučić ha detto che il pogrom è il peggiore di tutti i crimini, dato che esso rappresenta non solamente l’atto, ma l’intenzione, la politica, la premeditazione di pulire in modo violento un’area, un paese, dai rappresentanti di altre nazioni e religioni.
“Non abbiamo diritto di tacere” ha lanciato il messaggio il Presidente della Serbia sottolineando che siamo tenuti ad essere vincitori senza sangue né guerre, i migliori nell’economia, nella sanità, nello sport, nell’istruzione e in tutto ciò che rappresenta lo sviluppo e la prosperità.
“Ci auguriamo le stesse cose per gli altri, ovvero che si occupino di loro stessi e che abbiano successo, poiché siamo consapevoli che il crimine è l’arnese del perdente, e che i vincitori non ne hanno bisogno, essi ricordano, ma perdonano e vanno avanti, mentre i perdenti girovagano all’interno dello stesso circolo vizioso. Noi serbi non vogliamo più esserlo, vogliamo il futuro, in cui ricorderemo sì, ma dal quale non ritorneremo indietro. Sappiamo quanto stava accadendo e lo chiamiamo con il nome giusto”, ha concluso il Presidente Vučić.
Meeting with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Sam Fabrizi, to discuss the continuation of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges in the mass vaccination process. 
President Vučić thanked the EU for its support to Serbia in the conditions of the pandemic and expressed hope that the first contingents of vaccines from the COVAX program will arrive soon...
Selakovic: Fight against all forms of crime is a priority of the Serbian Government
8 March 2021
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic said today that the fight against all forms of crime was a top priority of the Serbian Government and an integral part of the EU accession process.
"It is also our moral duty, in order to leave a better world for the generations to come", Selakovic said participating via video-link at the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Kyoto.     
Minister Selakovic emphasized that Serbia, in its Second Serious and Organized Crime Threat Assessment from 2019, identified as its goal to eliminate cybercrime, human trafficking, terrorism and irregular migration...
Ministro Selakovic ha inviato un messaggio di auguri al Ministro Luigi Di Maio
Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di Serbia Nikola Selakovic ha inviato un messaggio di auguri al Ministro Luigi Di Maio per la conferma dell’incarico di Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale della Repubblica italiana.
Augurando al capo della diplomazia italiana  ogni successo  per il suo futuro operato, Selakovic ha sottolineato l’amicizia tra Serbia e Italia e ha espresso l’auspicio che il partenariato strategico e la cooperazione tra i due Paesi possano ulteriormente rafforzarsi. 
“Sono convinto che, su fondamenta solide del partenariato strategico e dei rapporti di amicizia, negli attuali tempi delle grandi sfide globali, continueremo a dare un contributo concreto alla forza e vitalità della cooperazione bilaterale tra Serbia e Italia, per il benessere dei nostri popoli e nostri Paesi”, è riportato nel messaggio augurale del Ministro Selakovic, con l’auspicio che l’incontro con il collega italiano avvenga al più presto.
19 febbraio 2021
Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana elected as the new Patriarch of Serbia
18 February 2021
The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana, PhD, as the new Serbian Patriarch, in its convocation in Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade on 18 February 2021.
Immediately after the election a thanksgiving service was officiated and Many Years was chanted to the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Bells at Saint Sava Cathedral in the Vracar district of Belgrade rang a few minutes before 4:00 pm indicating that the 46th Patriarch of Serbia was elected...
Le congratulazioni al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio della Repubblica d’Italia
Il Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia, dott. Aleksandar Vučić ha inviato le congratulazioni al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio della Repubblica d’Italia, dott. Mario Draghi, del seguente contenuto:
“Sincere congratulazioni per l’incarico di Presidente del Consiglio della Repubblica d’Italia , con i migliori auguri di buona salute e di successo nel Suo lavoro.
La fiducia che Le è stata conferita, che consiste nella gestione del Governo della Repubblica d’Italia,   rappresenta un grande onore ed immensa responsabilità soprattutto in questo momento di crisi globale, senza precedenti nella storia recente, la quale ci ha posto davanti alle sfide mai conosciute prima. Sono convinto che Lei svolgerà l’incarico di Premier con  la profonda dedizione ed indubbia professionalità, per il bene della Repubblica d’Italia e dei suoi cittadini.
La Repubblica di Serbia si è dedicata allo sviluppo della partnership strategica  con il paese amico, la Repubblica d’Italia. Sono convinto che la vicinanza e la solidarietà, che abbiamo dimostrato anche durante l’attuale pandemia, daranno lo stimolo  maggiore ai nostri rapporti e alla collaborazione nei settori di comune interesse, contribuendo al progresso dei nostri Paesi e dei nostri Popoli”.
President Vucic: Serbia is ready for dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but will refuse being humiliated
President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army Aleksandar Vucic attended a demonstration of capabilities of one part of Serbian Army units in the "Rastko Nemanjić" barracks in Pancevo. On this occasion, President Vucic stated that Serbia was ready to continue the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina at any point, while respecting also the position of the United States as well as the positions of Russia and China.    
The President said that he would rather put his "head on the chopping block" than sign any document with a recognition and reminded that he had already once refused to do so in Washington, where there were two versions of the agreement...
Meeting with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met earlier today with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, Ambassador Sem Fabrizi, to discuss Serbia's European path, continuation fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of political and economic reforms, with particular emphasis on the rule of law and plans for new EU investments in our country.
President Vučić thanked the EU for its support to Serbia in structural reforms and economic measures and the EU investments in our country. The President especially expressed hope that the first contingents of vaccines from the COVAX programme promoted by the European Union will arrive soon...
Minister Selaković: Serbia is committed to the values of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative
Serbia is committed to the values of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative and its corresponding Strategy, as a framework within which we conduct activities that strengthen the European path of our country, all the while creating an even better place to live in together with the participating EU Member States, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković said at the video-conference of the Fifth Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
"Despite the difficult challenges faced amid the coronavirus pandemic, during its Chairmanship of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative, Serbia succeeded in maintaining continuity in the implementation of the fundamental values adopted by signing the Ancona Declaration", Minister Selaković stated today...
Minister Selakovic speaks for Politika: The year of rejuvenation of Serbian diplomacy
26 January 2021
Serbia's foreign policy positions are naturally being adjusted to the new developments at the international level, but our foreign policy priorities have not changed in a long time. Our top and most important interest is to preserve good-neighbourly relations and stability and peace in the region and, in the same context, to find a peaceful and just solution to the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said in an interview with Politika daily.
Another lasting interest of ours is full membership of the European Union, because this is the type of society we strive for. At the bilateral level, our goal is to strengthen ties with traditional friends, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, but also to build new partner relations with the United States. One of the most important tasks of our foreign policy is to improve the position and protect the rights and identity of our people in the region, as well as to provide various types of support to Serbs in the diaspora. All these are very important and more often than not complementary goals, Nikola Selakovic pointed out...
Government focuses on reforms in field of rule of law
Prime Minister Ana Brnabić talked today with the ambassadors of the Quint countries and the Head of the European Union Delegation about the continuation of reforms on Serbia's path to membership in the European Union.
Brnabić confirmed that full membership in the EU remains a key foreign policy priority of Serbia, emphasizing that reforms in the area of the rule of law are in the focus of the government of Serbia...
President Vucic: Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of growth
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of economic growth, which will be officially confirmed at the end of March, and that this was possible owing to the reform measures taken since 2014 and the rapid opening of the country after the first wave of corona virus.
The President pointed out that Serbia had a growth of 5.2 percent in the first quarter, while the Eurozone was at minus 3.2 percent, in the second quarter Serbia had a growth of minus 6.3 percent, while the Eurozone was at minus 14.7 percent, and in the third quarter, when the Eurozone was at minus 4.3 percent, Serbia's figure was only minus 1.4 percent.
Vucic stated that Montenegro, for example, recorded as much as 26 percent minus in the third quarter.
Furthermore, the President emphasized that hospitals were built and renovated in our country, and that two hospitals were built from the ground up in just four months.
He said that the state made significant efforts to procure respirators, masks, gloves, protective suits, medicines, everything that was needed, and pointed out that work was being done on 10 general hospitals throughout Serbia, adding that all these were major achievements that were only possible owing to the success of the 2014 reforms, the enactment of the Labor Law, which yielded excellent results, and also through fiscal consolidation measures.
"These are unprecedented results for Serbia. Was Serbia ever before the first in Europe in terms of growth rate? We will get the results on 31 March that will confirm that Serbia is number one in Europe. All that was possible thanks to people who believed in difficult changes", Vucic said.
According to the President, this year, as many as six highways will be built in Serbia at the same time, and in this regard, he noted that Bulgaria has announced that the highway from our border to Sofia will be completed by the end of the year, after which it will be possible to use motorway to travel to Istanbul, which is very important to ensure that our country is on a transport route.
President Vucic emphasized that in 2020, the so-called year of corona, our country had a net inflow of foreign direct investment amounting to EUR 2.9 billion net, and three billion gross, which means that many foreign companies such as Toyota Tires, Boysen, ZTF and Brose have invested in Serbia even in this year of crisis.
The President said that Serbia has the highest average wages in the region, amounting to 511 or 512 euros, and that in February, due to the January increase, the average wage will be 535 or 536 euros, and that only in Belgrade in the last seven years the average wage increased by 180 euros or 40 percent.
That President said that Serbia was fourth in the region in terms of salaries before, and that today we are officially the first, and that the difference in relation to other countries will only increase faster. He also pointed out that the employment rate is growing in Serbia as well as that our public debt increased less than in most European countries. This is illustrated by the data that in Italy the public debt surged to 156 percent, in Germany to 87 percent, in France to 114 percent, in Croatia to 88 percent, while in Serbia it is at 57 percent.
The Serbian President announced that by Sretenje, 15 February, an additional package of assistance to the economy will be earmarked, and as he explained, it will be a new capital injection for companies, the trade, entrepreneurs, small, medium and large enterprises which, as he said, concerns 1,052,000 people within that system.
Vucic specified that it will most likely be help in the form of two or three payments amounting to half a minimum wage each, and that there will also be sectoral aid for tourism, hotel owners, travel agencies, guides, for bus carriers, through another half minimum wage payment.
The President added that efforts will be made to extend the guarantee schemes as well, which proved to be excellent, amounting to 1.5 billion, and this time, through the same system, two more portions amounting to 500 million each could be provided.
Vucic said that the first agreements with DFC worth 300 to 400 million dollars are expected in seven days.
He also stated that the state will endeavour to help pensioners further, in addition to increasing pensions by 5.9 percent in January, which will be reflected in their first checks in February, and added that pensioners should by March receive symbolic aid in the form of packages with vitamin C, D and zinc, which, as the President said, are small things, but they reflect the state's care and efforts made to protect health.
The President announced that negotiations on the procurement of the Chinese vaccine would be completed in the next seven to eight days, after the first quantities of the Pfizer and Sputnik V vaccines have arrived in Serbia, and pointed out that the Chinese vaccine was of exceptional quality, but probably the most expensive, which is why he wrote to the Chinese President and asked for a discount for our country.
Vucic thanked the Americans for deciding to sell the vaccine to our country and noted that no one in the region other than Serbia has received it, except for the small quantity that Albania got.
He pointed out that our state relied on itself and its own capacities, and that our state leadership anticipated that vaccines within the European COVAX plan would arrive late.
The President rejected the claims about bad results of Serbia in the fight against the corona virus and stated that our country has recorded the lowest corona virus mortality rate in the region.
He presented statistical information indicating that Slovenia had 144 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, North Macedonia 126, Bosnia and Herzegovina 123, Bulgaria 115, Montenegro 115, Hungary 110, Croatia 107, Romania 85, and Serbia 51.
"The mortality rate in the region is as follows: Bulgaria 3.9, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.7, Hungary 3.11, North Macedonia 3.03, Romania 2.48. Slovenia 2.15, Croatia 1.99, Montenegro 1.4, and Serbia 1.0. This can be seen in the graphs and is no fabrication", the President stressed.
He said that the state will fight for vaccines, and that only Serbia, in the Western Balkans, received significant quantities of vaccines, other than a smaller quantity that Albania received, and added that in one day since the registration for vaccination opened, as many as 63,000 persons have registered.
President Vucic expressed his belief that the year ahead will be better than the previous one as well as that the corona virus will be defeated through vaccination of citizens.
12 January 2021


Every Serb in the diaspora is potentially a lobbyist
3 January 2021
Our compatriots living abroad are one of the great potentials that the state has not recognized in the right way so far, which is why a different approach is needed to the issue of how to strengthen our diaspora and use the good will of people who are potential lobbyists for the interests of Serbia and the Serbian people, Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said.
"When it comes to Serbs in the diaspora, and especially in the region, this issue has been a kind of an unattended crop which requires a lot of work, and even when a lot is done at once this is not apparent immediately ", Minister Selakovic stated in an interview with Tanjug...
Minister Selakovic: New ambassadors will be appointed this year, but the goals remain the same
2 January 2021
This year, Serbia could finally have Ambassadors and Consuls General appointed to about a third of the currently vacant positions in the country's diplomatic and consular missions in the world, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic is convinced that most of these positions will be filled, as he points out, by the best possible people.
"In the next year, I am convinced that the majority of these vacancies will be filled", Selakovic told Tanjug, emphasizing that the work is being done gradually, because the state wants to show that is has a quality staff who will represent Serbia's interests in the best possible way...
President Vucic: Serbia to remain on the course of a winning policy of stability
29 December 2020
Preservation of peace, taking care of the health and better living standard are key for Serbia in 2021, underlined President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, convinced that even though the completion of this ambitious and by no means easy task will be anything but straightforward, best results can be achieved by working in concert with the Government, while ensuring security and a future of certainty for the citizens. 
The President said that Serbia has set for itself great and ambitious goals for the next year, notwithstanding the complex international and regional circumstances, and that it will endeavour to fully preserve peace and stability in the region and the country, while safeguarding the vital national and state interests...
Serbian Prime Minister the first PM in Europe to receive a Covid-19 vaccine
Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabic received today the first vaccine against the coronavirus made by Pfizer company, at the Torlak Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera.
Brnabic, who is the first European Prime Minister to receive the vaccine, pointed out that this day may be the first since 6 March that we have a reason for a smile on our faces as it marks the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic in Serbia, but also in Europe and the world...
24 December 2020
Brnabic and Borrell: Political and economic aspects of negotiations
The Serbian government stated that at a meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between Serbia and the EU held today, the overall progress achieved in Serbia's accession negotiations so far was commended, as well as the adoption of an improved enlargement methodology that should accelerate Serbia's EU accession process.
The participants in the meeting exchanged opinions on the current political and socio-economic situation in Serbia, and above all on the further dynamics of negotiations on EU accession, cooperation within the Common Foreign and Security Policy, as well as regional cooperation in the Western Balkans.
Accordingly, they welcomed the fact that the new government has placed European integration, preserving public health and economic growth, as well as normalising relations with Pristina at the top of its priority list.
At the meeting held via video link due to the pandemic, the Serbian delegation was led by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic.
The EU delegation was headed by High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi.
Borrell especially expressed gratitude for the participation of Prime Minister Brnabic, which is not the usual format, but which unequivocally shows how much importance the Serbian government attaches to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and Serbia's European path.
The interlocutors discussed current relations between Serbia and the European Union, primarily the process of Serbia's accession to the EU, as well as political and economic criteria, harmonisation of domestic legislation with the EU acquis, as well as the implementation of the EU pre-accession assistance.
The EU representatives reiterated the EU's commitment to Serbia's European future and called for proactive and strategic communication between Serbia and the EU.
During the meeting, they also talked about the way in which Serbia is facing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in terms of resolving the health crisis and in overcoming the consequences for the economy in general and the implementation of reforms.
The participants agreed that good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation are key elements of the enlargement process, and to that end welcomed the continued dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and Serbia's consistent commitment to the process.
The EU representatives welcomed Serbia's significant contribution to military missions and operations, as well as Serbia's participation in EU battle groups, stressing the importance of further deepening cooperation on foreign policy issues.
The participants in the meeting also supported the Common Regional Market, launched by Western Balkan leaders at a summit in Sofia on 10 November, and recalled that the Western Balkans Economic and Investment Plan, adopted by the European Commission on 6 October 2020, provides a comprehensive framework to support economic convergence of Serbia and the EU region.
Belgrade, 17 December 2020
Minister Selakovic: Full EU membership remains a priority of the new Government
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selakovic had talks today via video link with Head of EU Delegation in Serbia Sem Fabrizi and Ambassadors of the EU Member States.
On this occasion, the Serbian Foreign Minister emphasized that full membership of the EU remained one of the key foreign policy priorities of the Serbian Government, and that the European integration process was a strategic goal also aimed at promoting the quality of the society.
Minister Selakovic pointed out that Serbia was ready for an acceleration of the accession process' dynamic which is why it accepted the new methodology in the first place, and that it is now hoping that it will, in the period ahead, receive clearer guidelines on its implementation in the negotiating process.
The Minister said that Serbia has taken a number of important steps forward in the reform process, which were not fully reflected in the European Commission's Annual Progress Report.
The Minister reminded that our country opened 18 out of 35 negotiating chapters with the EU since 2014, provisionally closing two, and that it is at this point ready to open five new chapters.
Discussing the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, Minister Selakovic noted that the only right path towards a sustainable agreement was through dialogue and compromise.
He explained that it was necessary that topics of the talks include the issues being ignored by Pristina for years, despite having committed to them under the Brussels Agreement, such as the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities.
The Minister added that Serbia is deeply devoted to regional cooperation and that, as an important country of the region aiming to contribute to overall stability, our side has through its steps, among others, significantly contributed to decreasing the tensions with Montenegro. 
Minister Selakovic also said that Serbia was very grateful to the EU and its Member States for the financial assistance, particularly amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Belgrade, 16 December 2020
Minister of Defence of the Italian Republic on a visit to Serbia: Strengthening cooperation in all areas on the basis of strategic partnership
Minister of Defence of the Italian Republic Lorenzo Guerini paid a visit to Serbia, meeting with the country's high officials. 
In the meeting between the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Minister Guerini the collocutors noted that the two countries have stable, friendly bilateral relations and intensive cooperation in all crucial areas in line with the strategic partnership established between them. They expressed the expectation that the circumstances will soon allow a new joint session of the two Governments to be held.
President Vucic thanked the Italian soldiers who, within KFOR, have an essential role in maintaining peace and stability, as well as in protecting Serbs and other non-Albanian communities in Kosovo and Metohija. The President emphasized that their behaviour and actions, especially in preserving the Visoki Decani monastery, gained the trust of the Serbian population. He also welcomed the professionalism of the Italian generals, who have been in command of the international security forces since 2013...
Belgrade, 15 December 2020
J. Joksimović and Roth on Serbia’s negotiations and new methodology
Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimović has held a video meeting today with Michael Roth, the Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office. They have discussed the current epidemiological situation in the two countries and the EU, as well as Serbia’s European integration process.
Joksimović and Roth have also talked about the issues related to the EU’s internal situation, particularly regarding the new seven-year budget, the place and the future of the enlargement policy and the Western Balkans, notably about all aspects of Serbia’s accession process, challenges and expectations from the new methodology, which should bring a faster negotiation process that would be better monitored and directed under stronger political steering. 
Joksimović has particularly informed Roth about the fact that the Government of Serbia prepared a concrete implementation plan for the first negotiation cluster on the rule of law, which comprises five rule-of-law chapters that have already been opened, adding that the realisation of the plan has already begun.
“This serious implementation plan includes a repeated initiative sent to the National Assembly for the adoption of constitutional amendments, the adoption of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Media Strategy, as well as the Working Group on monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan and the Working Group on journalist safety and protection”, said Joksimović, according to the press release published by the Ministry of European Integration.
She has also stressed that GRECO recommendations for the fight against corruption have been published in a transparent way, and that further actions will be taken in line with them.
She has further presented all other important segments of Serbia’s reform policy in all six clusters, including Green Agenda, digitisation, Economic and Investment Plan for the WB, and stable and sound macroeconomic indicators, stressing that, therefore, this year, Serbia has again undeniably demonstrated that it deeply and substantively participates in key EU policies and that it is a credible European country.
Joksimović has emphasised that Serbia understands that the EU and member states will need some more time to define the application of the new methodology to Serbia’s negotiation process, and that it is therefore important to maintain a constant and open dialogue so as to direct the process in line with the new methodology.
She has expressed regret that conclusions on enlargement have not been adopted this year and that, consequently, the political Intergovernmental Conference with Serbia has not been held during the German presidency.
On the other hand, the Minister has expressed belief that the upcoming Stabilisation and Association Council will offer an opportunity to discuss all political and economic aspects of Serbia’s process at the highest level.
Roth has thanked Minister Joksimović for the information and issues she shared, as well as for Serbia’s proactive approach regarding reforms and active acceptance of the new methodology.
He has underlined that Germany supports Serbia and the enlargement policy, particularly welcoming all significant steps that the new Serbian Government has already taken, especially regarding cluster 1 – rule of law, where he stressed that they are an important and positive signal for Serbia’s European path.
He has agreed with Minister Joksimović about the need to urgently define the application of the new methodology to countries that are already in the accession process, where clusters of European policies and Serbia’s participation therein become an instrument for measuring progress in the accession process.
He has conveyed that Germany will advocate the holding of the political Intergovernmental Conference with Serbia in the first half of 2021.
The interlocutors have particularly discussed the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, agreeing that it represents another proof that the European Union gives strategic importance to a stable and sustainable development of the region, particularly in difficult circumstances of curbing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Joksimović has thanked Minister Roth for Germany’s long-term and concrete assistance to Serbia’s European integration, not only at the political level, but also through providing development assistance for financing reform projects, and successful strategic investments that have created a significant number of new jobs.
The interlocutors have also agreed that it is extremely important that, through the COVAX Facility, Serbia has ensured that its access to vaccines procured by the EU will be almost simultaneous with the EU member states’ access. 
Source: Tanjug
On the occasion of 10 December, the international Human Rights Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia reaffirms its commitment to the principles and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on this day in 1948.
The principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been the foundation for the development of international law in this field, and of the international system for the promotion and protection of human rights, as a unique achievement of modern civilization. It is incumbent upon us today to safeguard and strengthen the international system ensuring respect for human rights, to develop human rights standards, control the implementation of commitments, and also to continue cooperating with international and regional institutions on the protection of human rights. 
Serbia is fully committed to the universal values of human rights and implementing in practice the international legal instruments relating to human rights. Our continued cooperation with the Human Rights Council mechanisms in the framework of the United Nations, with the Council of Europe and the mechanisms of the OSCE human dimension, represents an important segment of activities carried out by all state authorities, thus demonstrating our consistent commitment to the implementation of international human rights standards.
The international Human Rights Day is an opportunity to point out once again that Serb and other non-Albanian population is being deprived of its rights in Kosovo and Metohija and to call again on the international community to ensure the respect for the guaranteed international human rights norms and contribute to creating conditions for the return of internally displaced persons and giving them back their usurped property.   
President meets the ambassadors of the EU member states accredited to Serbia and the head of the European Union Delegation
The President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today the ambassadors of EU Member States accredited to Serbia and the Head of the EU Delegation Sem Fabrizi in the Palace of Serbia, to talk to them about topics such as dynamics of the accession negotiations between Serbia and EU, stability in the region, regional projects, as well as the Economic and Investment Plan presented by the European Commission together with the Enlargement package.
President Vučić once again confirmed that cooperation with the European Union and fully-fledged membership of Serbia remain one of the key foreign policy priorities of our country. He particularly emphasised that in this respect Serbia is honestly dedicated to further and deeper reforms, approaching them with responsibility and seriousness, and that it tries to adopt and apply the best practice through cooperation with institutions of the EU and its member states.
"Serbia will continue being dedicated to the promotion of peace and stability in the region, by improving bilateral relations with neighbours, and by strengthening regional cooperation while respecting all concluded agreements", President Vučić stated, adding that the European future of the Western Balkans is of utmost importance for both stability of the entire region and security and further prosperity of the EU.
Ambassadors pointed out that declarations on the common regional market and the Western Balkans green agenda, which were signed by Serbia and all leaders of the region, received a warm welcome in Brussels and EU Member Stated, and that good and solid connectivity and integration of the region largely facilitates the cooperation of the very Union with the Western Balkans in all areas of joint interest.
"As much as 70% of foreign investments come from the countries whose representatives are sitting here today", Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said, adding that Serbia can rest assured the EU will continue supporting and investing in the Serbian economy. While Covid-19 has put all economies under stress, Serbian economy has resisted and proved its resilience.  With the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, the EU will remain Serbia's strongest partner for economic recovery which will support infrastructures, green and digital transition. We welcome the announced reforms in the areas of rule of law, including judiciary reforms and media freedom. This is precisely the base for acceleration of the accession process and we encourage the new government to keep working and implementing in this direction", Fabrizi said.
President Vučić pointed out that Serbia highly appreciates that the EU, despite numerous challenges it is facing has managed to preserve the enlargement issue on its agenda, especially through the recent adoption of a new, changed methodology of the negotiation process.
"In this respect, we expect from the EU that Serbia's accession negotiation dynamics follows and values our reform efforts", President Vučić said pointing out that Serbia is ready to continue working with its European partners on implementation of the reforms and numerous joint projects.
President Vučić particularly noted that Serbia welcomes the Economic and investment plan presented by the EC together with the Enlargement package, and expressed our country's readiness to continue working with the partners in the region on the implementation of this Plan so as to improve the economic potential of the region and achieve better infrastructure connection, which would bring us closer to the single European market.
"In this context, we hope the Multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 will be adopted soon, because that will mean a possibility to use funds designed for reform implementation in Serbia and in the region", President Vučić said, reiterating that Serbia remains on its European path with an honest faith in cooperation with the European partners.
"2020 has been an extremely difficult year for all, especially the impact of COVID–19. When I look at new Government's commitment to implement reforms, the Economic and Investment Plan of the EU, the new methodology and increased cooperation to fight COVID-19, I see 2021 with a much more favourable perspective for progressing the enlargement", Fabrizi concluded.
President Vučić also pointed out that Serbia is prepared to work intensively with the EU Member States on finding an adequate response to the new challenges, such as COVID-19 pandemic.
Belgrade, 8th December 2020

Il Ministro della Salute italiano ha firmato oggi un'ordinanza (in corso di pubblicazione) che introduce da 16 luglio e fino al 16 luglio le seguenti nuove limitazioni agli spostamenti DA E PER l'estero:

1. Divieto di ingresso in Italia a chi negli ultimi 14 giorni ha soggiornato/transitato in  Serbia.

2. Fanno eccezione al divieto solo i cittadini europei (UE, Schengen, UK, microstati europei) e i loro familiari conviventi (ascendenti e discendenti diretti, coniugi, partner stabili, parti di unione civile) con residenza anagrafica in Italia da data anteriore ad oggi. In ogni caso, per questi soggetti si applica l'obbligo di quarantena.

Tutte le persone fisiche in entrata in Italia, tramite trasporto aereo, ferroviario, marittimo e stradale, anche se asintomatiche, sono obbligate a comunicare immediatamente il proprio ingresso in Italia al Dipartimento di prevenzione dell’Azienda Sanitaria competente per territorio, e sono sottoposte alla sorveglianza sanitaria e all’isolamento fiduciario per un periodo di quattordici giorni (quarantena).

3. Il divieto di ingresso in Italia o l’obbligo di quarantena non si applicano a membri del corpo diplomatico, Ambasciate, Missioni e Organizzazioni internazionali nell’esercizio delle proprie funzioni e agli autotrasportatori.

4. Sospensione di voli diretti e indiretti dalla Serbia.

Per effetto dell'odierna ordinanza, Air Serbia ha cancellato con effetto immediato tutti i voli da/per l'Italia.

5. Tutti coloro che entrano in Italia devono compilare il modulo di autocertificazione.

Sono esentati solo i transfrontalieri e i movimenti da e per San Marino e Vaticano.


Il nuovo modulo di autodichiarazione: Autodichiarazione



Corona virus – modifica del Decreto del Governo della Repubblica di Serbia

Si comunica che il Governo della Repubblica di Serbia, nella Seduta del Governo, tenutasi il 14 marzo u.s., ha emanato il Decreto che modifica il Decreto di proclamazione della malattia COVID-19 causata dal virus SARS-CoV-2 della malattia infettiva, punto 4 del Decreto, ed al fine di impedire la diffusione di questa malattia infettiva sul territorio della Repubblica di Serbia, il quale stabilisce divieti nei confronti dei cittadini stranieri che provengono dai paesi, ovvero dai territori in cui la trasmissione della malattia COVID-19 è intensa, ossia dai focolai dell’epidemia, ed in particolare: dalla provincia di Hubei nella Repubblica Popolare di Cina, dalla città di Daega e dalla Provincia di Geyeongsang della Repubblica di Corea, dalla Federazione Svizzera, dalla Repubblica Italiana, dalla Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran, dalla Romania, dal Regno di Spagna, dalla Repubblica Federativa di Germania, dalla Repubblica Francese, dalla Repubblica d’Austria, dalla Repubblica di Slovenia e dalla Repubblica Ellenica, e sulla base del quale le autorità competenti vieteranno temporaneamente ovvero limiteranno l’ingresso e la circolazione.

Tali misure non saranno applicate nei seguenti casi:

1) il personale a bordo delle autovetture che effettuano il trasporto internazionale nei trasporti terrestri. Nel caso dei trasporti internazionali di transito del carico per via terrestre, il trasporto si limita al periodo non superiore a 12 ore dal momento dell’ingresso nel territorio della Repubblica di Serbia;
2) il personale a bordo delle navi che trasportano la merce verso uno dei porti nazionali. Nel caso della navigazione di transito sulla rotta fluviale internazionale sul territorio della Repubblica di Serbia, la medesima è limitata al periodo non superiore a 90 ore per le composizioni navali e non superiore a 60 ore per le navigazioni autonome dal momento dell’ingresso nel territorio della Repubblica di Serbia nel caso della navigazione a monte, ovvero non superiore a 72 ore per le composizioni navali e non superiore a 54 ore per le navigazioni autonome dal momento dell’ingresso nel territorio della Repubblica di Serbia nel caso della navigazione a valle;
3) il personale ferroviario dei treni che entrano nella zona delle stazioni di confine definite dagli accordi internazionali;
4) il personale a bordo degli aerei la cui destinazione finale è la Repubblica di Serbia o i quali sono in transito attraverso gli aeroporti internazionali della Repubblica di Serbia;
5) le persone autorizzate a entrare nella Repubblica di Serbia da parte dell’Autorità di lavoro del Governo composta dal Ministero della Salute, dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri, dal Ministero dell’Interno e dal Ministero dell’Edilizia, dei Trasporti e delle Infrastrutture;
6) le missioni umanitarie con l’obbligatorio accompagnamento concordato per via diplomatica.

I cittadini della Repubblica di Serbia provenienti dai paesi, ovvero dai territorio con la diffusione intensa della malattia COVID-19, ovvero dai focolai dell’epidemia sopra indicati, sono obbligati a sottoporsi all’autoisolamento per la durata di 14 giorni.

Si sottolinea che le misure di divieto si riferiscono a tutti i cittadini stranieri (e dei paesi terzi) che provengono dai paesi, ovvero dai territori con la diffusione intensa della malattia COVID-19, ovvero dai focolai dell’epidemia, sopra indicati.

Il Decreto è entrato in vigore in data odierna, 14 marzo 2020, e rimane in vigore fino a ulteriore avviso.



Vista la crisi sanitaria dovuta all’epidemia di Coronavirus (COVID-19) e le misure di emergenza in vigore in R. Italia, Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano, informa tutti i cittadini serbi residenti nel territorio di giurisdizione dello scrivente consolato che il lavoro del consolato nel prossimo periodo sarà limitato esclusivamente alle emergenze, fino a quando la situazione epidemiologica non migliorerà.
A questo proposito, informiamo i cittadini interessati alle attività di acquisizione biometrica che include la consegna di un documento di viaggio e la richiesta di un nuovo passaporto che temporaneamente si limita solo alle emergenze e casi urgenti, fino alla normalizzazione della situazione in Italia.
Alla luce delle circostanze attuali e di cui sopra, chiediamo ai cittadini le cui richieste non sono urgenti di essere comprensivi e di rinviare il loro arrivo presso le sedi del Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano, fino a quando la situazione epidemiologica non sarà migliorata o fino al ritiro del decreto di emergenza del governo della R. Italia.
Grazie a tutti i cittadini per la comprensione.
Ulteriori misure del governo della Repubblica di Serbia per prevenire la diffusione di COVID-19
Il governo della Repubblica di Serbia ha adottato nella seduta del 10.03.2020. ulteriori misure per prevenire la diffusione e il controllo delle malattie infettive COVID-19, come raccomandato dai nostri epidemiologi e in conformità con le raccomandazioni dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità.
Di conseguenza, viene introdotto un divieto temporaneo di ingresso nella Repubblica di Serbia per i cittadini stranieri provenienti da aree con trasmissione intensiva di coronavirus.
Il divieto d'ingresso si applica alle persone che hanno soggiornato in Italia, in alcune province della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, in Corea del Sud e in alcune parti della Svizzera.
Guida finanziaria per i cittadini che rientrano in Repubblica di Serbia

Banca Centrale serba ha pubblicato Guida finanziaria con l'intenzione di migliorare la consapevolezza dei nostri cittadini che vogliono ritornare in Serbia. La Guida contiene informazioni sulle normative riguardo le attività commerciali e gestione delle valute estere che sono importanti per il ritorno dei nostri cittadini e la loro rapida integrazione.

Versione in lingua serba:


Versione in lingua inglese:


Elezioni parlamentari 2020. - esercizio dei diritti di voto all' estero

Tenendo presente che le elezioni parlamentari si terranno nella Repubblica di Serbia nel 2020, ai fini della notifica tempestiva dei nostri cittadini e dell'esercizio dei diritti di voto all'estero, le parti interessate sono invitate a compilare la domanda (in allegato) e presentarla al Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano via e-mail a info@gkrsmi.it .

La richiesta completata riguarda la creazione di un database di cittadini della Repubblica di Serbia che desiderano esercitare il loro diritto di voto, con l'obiettivo di garantire il numero richiesto di candidati all'apertura di un seggio elettorale all'estero.

Sottolineiamo che questa richiesta è destinata alla compilazione dell'elenco di coloro che sono interessati a votare all'estero, mentre l’iscrizione ufficiale sulla lista dei votanti sarà effettuata dopo la pubblicazione delle elezioni parlamentari nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica di Serbia. 

Il modulo è disponibile qui: http://milano.mfa.gov.rs/odrzavanje/uploads/Zahtev.pdf

Visita del Console Generale Radmila Selakovic all'Ospedale pediatrico "L'Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita" di Torino

Il 13/11/2019. Console Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano Radmila Selakovic ha visitato l'ospedale pediatrico "L'Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita" di Torino.

Visita del Console Generale Radmila Selakovic presso Fondazione IRCCS - Policlinico San Matteo Ospedale di Pavia

Il 05 novembre scorso  Console Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano Radmila Selakovic ha visitato l'ospedale della Fondazione IRCCS - Policlinico San Matteo a Pavia, dove i bambini della Repubblica di Serbia sono in cura per leucemia e malattie autoimmuni e sono sottoposti a chemioterapia o in attesa di un trapianto di midollo osseo.

Conferenza su "Art Brut" e "Outsider Art" di R. Serbia in "Casa dell 'Art Brut"

Nell'ambito della celebrazione del 140 ° anniversario dell'istituzione di relazioni diplomatiche tra R.di Serbia e R. Italia,  organizzata dalla Fondazione Bussolera Branca e in collaborazione con il Museo di Arte Naiva e Marginale di Jagodina e il Consolato Generale della  R. di Serbia a Milano, il 26.10.2019., la conferenza "Art Brut" e "Outsider art" di Serbia con particolare riferimento alle opere d'arte esposte in Casa dell'Art,  si è tenuta di fronte a un vasto pubblico a Mairano di Casteggio, in provincia di Pavia.

"L'Aperitivo Balcanico, 16.11.2019. a Torino

Giorno festivo 11. novembre 2019. - Armistizio di Compiègne

Comunichiamo che il Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano sara' chiuso il giorno 11. novembre 2019. per festività nazionali - Armistizio di Compiègne.

Chiesa serba a Milano ha celebrato il suo santo patrono, Santo Stefano

Il 13/10/2019. la Chiesa serba a Carate Brianza, Milano, ha celebrato il suo santo patrono, Santo Stefano.

In quell'occasione si tenne la liturgia servita dalla sua eccellenza, il vescovo austriaco-svizzero Andrej.

Numerosi membri della diaspora serba, rappresentanti della Chiesa cattolica in Italia, nonché rappresentanti del Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano, hanno partecipato alla liturgia e al pranzo cerimoniale.


L’apertura della mostra "Nikola Tesla – uomo dal futuro", Milano

Il Museo Nikola Tesla di Belgrado, in collaborazione con lo studio “Bulb Creation” di Belgrado e “Venice Exhibition” di Venezia, ha presentato il 03.10.2019.  in anteprima al pubblico italiano la mostra “Nikola Tesla – uomo dal futuro”.

La mostra rimarrà aperta fino al 29.marzo 2020. nello “Spazio Ventura XV” a Milano, in Via Privata Giovanni Ventura 15.

In occasione dell’anteprima erano presenti Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia in Italia  sig.Goran Aleksic, Console Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano sig.ra Radmila Selakovic, direttrice del Museo Nikola Tesla di Belgrado sig.ra Ivona Jevtic, autorità locali, rappresentanti del Corpo Consolare di Milano, rappresentanti della diàspora e dei media.


"A Bridge for Music" - Project of internation cooperation Genova-Belgrade

Mostra "Nikola Tesla - uomo dal futuro"

Il Museo Nikola Tesla di Belgrado, in collaborazione con lo studio "Bulb Creation" di Belgrado e "Venice Exhibition" di Venezia, presenterà al pubblico italiano la mostra "Nikola Tesla - uomo dal futuro".

L'apertura della mostra è prevvista per il 05. ottobre 2019 nello "Spazio Ventura XV" a Milano, e rimarrà aperta fino al 29. marzo 2020.


Milano Fashion Week

La manifestazione "Milano Fashion Week" ha visto quest' anno come protagonista la stilista serba Suzana Peri' che ha presentato il 19. settembre presso il Palazzo Giureconsulti la sua nuova collezione "La Perla Bianca".

La presentazione organizzata dalla piattaforma milanese "Mad mood" è stata accompagnata dalle note della bravissima cantante jazz Lena Kovačević.

All' evento ha partecipato il pubblico italiano, i numerosi cittadini serbi residenti in Italia, come anche i rappresentanti del Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Serbia a Milano.



Il Console ha incontrato il  direttore  dell’ospedale bergamasco e ha  fatto visita ai bambini serbi trapiantati, ricoverati nel reparto pediatrico, dove si è intrattenuta con alcuni di loro condividendo anche con i genitori e dirigenti del nosocomio esperienze e speranze di un percorso di cura non facile.


The brochure can be downloaded here: http://ojdinfo.msp.rs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/REPUBLIC-OF-SERBIA-CANDIDATE-FOR-THE-UNESCO-EXECUTIVE-BOARD-2019-2023.pdf





Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference, Belgrade, 21-23 June 2017

Public international two-phase open competition for the design of a conceptual solution for the Zoran Đinđić Memorial at the Students Square in Belgrade

We would like to inform you that the Belgrade City Administration, Secretariat for Culture, has announced a "Public international two-phase open competition for the design of a conceptual solution for the Zoran Đinđić Memorial at the Students Square in Belgrade"...

Non-paper: Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?

Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?

Because the request for its membership is a serious breach of the international law, the Constitution of UNESCO, the legally binding UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and the Charter of the UN whose Article 25 says that „The Members of the UN agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter".

Because according to the UN Security Council resolution 1244, which reaffirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now Serbia), Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of the Republic of Serbia, under the administration of the UN. Since Kosovo cannot be considered a State, it does not fulfill the basic requirement for membership set out by the UNESCO Constitution.

Because unilateral attempts such as this one seriously harm and disrupt the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, under the auspices of the European Union in which mutually acceptable solutions for many complex issues have been devised so far. The issue of the Serbian cultural heritage and the property of the Serbia Orthodox Church has not yet been discussed within the dialogue where it belongs.

Because this is an unacceptable politicization of UNESCO which should not overtake the competences of the UN Security Council as the highest authority for the preservation of the international peace and security. UNESCO should not serve as an instrument for the affirmation of an illegal and unilaterally declared independence of a part of the territory of one UN member state. The primary goal of UNESCO is to promote universal values of humanity through education, science and culture not to make political decisions with regard to the statehood.

Because this would be a dangerous precedent, harmful for many states. This would open the door for other entities to follow the same path thus threatening territorial integrity and sovereignty of other member states.

Because this issue is polarizing the membership of UNESCO.

Because, besides not being a state, Pristina does not have moral credibility for membership. Anyone aspiring to UNESCO membership must prove not only in words but as well in deeds its commitment to the goals of the UNESCO Constitution, which certainly is incompatible with deliberate, systematic, vandal demolition of Serbian cultural and historic monuments with the aim to remove the traces of centuries-long existence of Serbs in this area as well as the impunity of the perpetrators of such barbaric acts unworthy of the 21st century. These acts are comparable only to the acts of destruction of cultural heritage by terrorist groups in the Middle East and elsewhere that the world is witnessing and UNESCO is strongly condemning.

Because four Serbian orthodox monasteries are inscribed on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in danger although the armed conflict in Kosovo is over for many years now. In danger from whom?

Because the inclusion of this item in the provisional agenda of the 197th session of the UNESCO Executive board raises serious concerns about the compliance with procedure and the respect of the established UNESCO rules. Just to mention that that even publishing of the document on the unacceptability of Kosovo's application for UNESCO membership from the standpoint of the international law, prepared by Serbian Delegation to UNESCO, as an official document, as we requested, was refused. And the only intention was the voice of Serbia also to be heard.

Because we all would have to live with the negative consequences of such an irresponsible decision from the lesioning of the international law up to the fate of the Serbian cultural heritage in the province of Kosovo and Metohija which not only belongs to the Serbian people but also represents a part of the historical and civilizational heritage of modern Europe and the world.

National Day of Serbia at Expo

The national day of Serbia at Expo Milano 2015 that was celebrated on 22nd June 2015, was attended by the State delegation headed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić, as well as numerous domestic and foreign guests.

International competition Lingua Madre – Awarding

As part of the International Book Fair in Turin, Serbian citizen Slobodanka Ćirić has been granted the first prize of the Lingua Madre photography competition, on the topic ' Paper Rose' . Vice Consul Olivera Šopalović granted Mrs. Ćirić during an awarding ceremony held in Turin on 18.05.2015.

Cesare Vismara Posthumously Awarding

Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Milan, organized honorary ceremony on 24.04.2015. in order to award Cesare Vismara, who has been posthumously granted for his merits in sport by President of the Republic of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić.

Мeeting of the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Nebojsa Vusurovic and the Mayor of the city of Turin

On the 04th of March 2014 The Mayor of the city of Turin Mr. Piero Fasino received the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Nebojsa Vusurovic and the Vice Consul Mr. Bojan Stevanovic in Turins Palace Civic. In a cordial atmosphere the possibilities of further improvement of the cooperation between the city of Turin and the Republic of Serbia had been discused. The main focus was on establishing specific projects in the scope of cultural, scolar, tourist and eno-gastronomic cooperation and especially in light of the forthcoming EXPO 2015 global show. The Republic of Serbia has been offered to organize the presentation of its economic potential to various companies in Turin and the region in particular through the organization of "Country Presentation" of Serbia in Turin.

Apertura bandi per il cofinanziamento di progetti rivolti alle organizzazioni e associazioni della diaspora e dei serbi nella regione
Presso il Ministero della salute della Repubblica di Serbia aperto l'Ufficio per la cooperazione con le comunita serbe all'estero
La riunione del Ministro degli Affari Esteri serbo Marko Duric con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri italiano Antonio Tajani, 23 luglio 2024.
La consegna delle lettere credenziali dell’Ambasciatore Mirjana Jeremić al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Sergio Mattarella
Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the General Debate of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 21 September 2023, New York
Book of condolence
Improving overall economic relations with Italy
Serbia, Italy sign 11 documents on cooperation
Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 21 September 2022, New York
Incontro con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Italiana
Continuous, strong support of Italy to European path of Serbia
Il Presidente Vučić ha ricevuto le lettere credenziali dell’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana
President Vučić takes oath of office
Selaković: Application of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the Council of Europe is contrary to the rules and norms of this organisation
Belgrade to get Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution
Serbian Office in Valletta to open soon
Opening of cluster 4 important turning point for Serbia
Serbia expects support for opening clusters by end year
UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija
Address of the President of the Republic of Serbia at the United Nations climate change conference COP26 held in Glasgow
Continuous communication with EU on further reforms
New investments of Italian businessmen in Serbia considered
Selaković in UNSC: Dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues
President Vučić attended ceremony of the beginning of works on the modernization and rehabilitation of the Niš-Brestovac railway
President Vučić met Ambassadors of Quinta countries
Telephone conversation of President Vučić and General Secretary of NATO
Selaković in New York with 28 foreign ministers on economic successes of Serbia and K&M situation
Pristina seriously jeopardised regional stability
Prime Minister Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organised by White House
Cipriani company interested in investing in Serbia
Marking the Remembrance Day of all Serbs who died and were expelled in the armed operation "Storm"
Testo d’autore dell’Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia in Italia S.E. Goran Aleksić, in occasione del 26° anniversario della repressione del popolo serbo nell’azione “Tempesta” dell’esercito croato
President Vučić: We have decided – our goal is the EU, but China is an important partner
Serbia has achieved great success in the field of digitalization
Serbia strongly supports Berlin Process
President Vučić participates in the Mini Schengen conference
Minister Selaković with future defense attachés of the Republic of Serbia
Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy
Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia at the session of the United Nations Security Council
Ministro Selakovic ha presentato il nuovo servizio “e-Consolato”
Selakovic: Serbia demonstrated that solidarity does not solely have to be the privilege of the rich
Vucic: We consider Europe our home
Selakovic congratulates Josep Borrell on Europe Day
President Vučić met via video link with representatives of the IMF delegation
Meeting with the World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe
WHO describes immunisation process in Serbia as impressive
Selakovic: Pristina è costante nella sua campagna di odio nei confronti del popolo serbo
Selakovic: L’Estremismo politico degli albanesi in Kosovo e Metohija sempre più forte
L’incontro con l’Ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana
Selaković: I vaccini non sono una questione di geopolitica ma di umanità
Selaković: Per l’Italia la Serbia è il paese fondamentale della Regione
Selaković: L’Italia appoggia la Serbia senza riserve
Selaković: L’Italia rappresenta per la Serbia un partner importante e affidabile
Marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression
Selakovic: L’Italia è uno dei più importanti partner della Serbia
La République de Serbie au Mois de la Francophonie
Le celebrazioni del Giorno della Memoria del 17 marzo 2004 – il pogrom avvenuto in Kosovo e Metohija
Meeting with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union
Selakovic: Fight against all forms of crime is a priority of the Serbian Government
Ministro Selakovic ha inviato un messaggio di auguri al Ministro Luigi Di Maio
Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana elected as the new Patriarch of Serbia
Le congratulazioni al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio della Repubblica d’Italia
President Vucic: Serbia is ready for dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but will refuse being humiliated
Meeting with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia
Minister Selaković: Serbia is committed to the values of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative
Minister Selakovic speaks for Politika: The year of rejuvenation of Serbian diplomacy
Government focuses on reforms in field of rule of law
President Vucic: Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of growth
Every Serb in the diaspora is potentially a lobbyist
Minister Selakovic: New ambassadors will be appointed this year, but the goals remain the same
President Vucic: Serbia to remain on the course of a winning policy of stability
Serbian Prime Minister the first PM in Europe to receive a Covid-19 vaccine
Brnabic and Borrell: Political and economic aspects of negotiations
Minister Selakovic: Full EU membership remains a priority of the new Government
Minister of Defence of the Italian Republic on a visit to Serbia: Strengthening cooperation in all areas on the basis of strategic partnership
J. Joksimović and Roth on Serbia’s negotiations and new methodology
President meets the ambassadors of the EU member states accredited to Serbia and the head of the European Union Delegation
Corona virus – modifica del Decreto del Governo della Repubblica di Serbia
Ulteriori misure del governo della Repubblica di Serbia per prevenire la diffusione di COVID-19
Guida finanziaria per i cittadini che rientrano in Repubblica di Serbia
Elezioni parlamentari 2020. - esercizio dei diritti di voto all' estero
Visita del Console Generale Radmila Selakovic all'Ospedale pediatrico "L'Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita" di Torino
Visita del Console Generale Radmila Selakovic presso Fondazione IRCCS - Policlinico San Matteo Ospedale di Pavia
Conferenza su "Art Brut" e "Outsider Art" di R. Serbia in "Casa dell 'Art Brut"
"L'Aperitivo Balcanico, 16.11.2019. a Torino
Giorno festivo 11. novembre 2019. - Armistizio di Compiègne
Chiesa serba a Milano ha celebrato il suo santo patrono, Santo Stefano
L’apertura della mostra "Nikola Tesla – uomo dal futuro", Milano
"A Bridge for Music" - Project of internation cooperation Genova-Belgrade
Mostra "Nikola Tesla - uomo dal futuro"
Milano Fashion Week
Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference, Belgrade, 21-23 June 2017
Public international two-phase open competition for the design of a conceptual solution for the Zoran Đinđić Memorial at the Students Square in Belgrade
Non-paper: Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?
National Day of Serbia at Expo
International competition Lingua Madre – Awarding
Cesare Vismara Posthumously Awarding
Мeeting of the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Nebojsa Vusurovic and the Mayor of the city of Turin
News - Archive